Scott Hardie | January 10, 2019
What do you think of ICEing, the fad in which people park a giant, gas-guzzling pickup truck horizontally to block electric charging stations in public?

Samir Mehta | January 10, 2019
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Scott Hardie | January 11, 2019
Someone was saying online that they couldn't understand why anyone would do that, like what purpose it would serve. All that it accomplishes is ruining some driver's day.

I can understand: It's an expression of freedom. These pranksters see the rise of electric vehicles as a coming mandate to drive one exclusively, without the option of internal combustion. They're exercising the freedom to drive such a wasteful thing, and to park it like jerks, while they can.

It's truly American, in a sense. We Americans have the luxury to do really dumb, wasteful things like this. We consider ourselves free to poison the planet, or to support all kinds of violence in the Middle East, as long as we get our cheap gas. Being dicks to electric drivers is another, smaller expression of that same personal freedom.

Agree or disagree?

Samir Mehta | January 12, 2019
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Erik Bates | February 22, 2019
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