Scott Hardie | January 6, 2012
Maybe you're a Star Wars fanatic or maybe you just enjoy novelty in fast food, but either way, check out the Darth Vader burger (and less interesting Jedi burger) going on sale in France.

Lori Lancaster | January 7, 2012
[hidden by request]

Steve West | January 7, 2012
I bet it could choke you just like Vader, too.

Scott Hardie | January 7, 2012
I read somewhere that texture has been proven in studies to be the most influential factor in our enjoyment of food, even more important than flavor. But I believe that color matters too, even if only subconsciously. I've experimented with putting flavorless food coloring into ordinary foods that I really like, and even though the dishes were exactly the same except for the color, they became unappealing and I had to force myself to keep eating, as if my mind associated the off coloring with rot or spoilage. I've known people who make boastful claims about being able to taste the difference between colors of M&Ms or other candies, and I've long considered those claims to be bullshit because it's just flavorless dye, but maybe there's something to it. Would I be able to eat a black hamburger? Despite Gothic Earth's trip to Paris, I myself won't be there in the next two months, so I'm unlikely to find out unless I use the force and make one in my own kitchen.

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