Scott Horowitz | January 25, 2005
Here's another contest we should do for fun.


Jackie Mason | January 25, 2005
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Scott Horowitz | January 25, 2005
I thought Van Helsing would be a sure thing.

Jackie Mason | January 25, 2005
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Scott Horowitz | January 25, 2005
Anchorman actually got some good reviews

Anna Gregoline | January 25, 2005
Anchorman is HYSTERICAL. I would be appalled if it was on a worst movies list.

Amy Austin | January 25, 2005
Sorry... have to agree with Jackie on this one!

Anna Gregoline | January 25, 2005
Will Ferrell is just about the funniest person in comedy right now to me.

Scott Horowitz | January 25, 2005
Apparently you never saw A Night at the Roxbury then Anna!

Amy Austin | January 25, 2005
Yes, I think he's pretty damn funny myself -- but not in "Anchorman"!!! ;DDD I don't really understand why, either... I'm old enough to get the jokes -- they just weren't that funny to me. I think this is just one of those either you "loved it" or you "hated it" movies...

Amy Austin | January 25, 2005
See, now I thought "Roxbury" was funny...

Anna Gregoline | January 25, 2005
Roxbury was very funny, but it really doesn't showcase what I find funny about Will Ferrell - in Roxbury he was dumb, and while dumb is something he often plays, he really didn't have any other character facets in it...Anchorman has him dumb AND trying to be suave, and yelling, which is one of my favorite things he does.

And of course, I'm not overanalyzing dumb funny movies, but eh. I just love the man and most everything he does.

Amy Austin | January 25, 2005
I agree that it's funny when he yells. Adam Sandler is funny in that way, too.

Jackie Mason | January 26, 2005
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Erik Bates | January 26, 2005
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Scott Horowitz | January 26, 2005
Carvey did a much better Bush.

Anna Gregoline | January 26, 2005
I think that skit was hilarious too, Jackie! It probably worked better back then because we weren't as used to Bush Jr.'s style of talking...but it was funny.

Will Ferrell's facial expressions for Bush Jr. were dead on.

Jackie Mason | January 26, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | January 26, 2005
I really enjoyed Darrell Hammond's Bill Clinton... oh, and I just found out that he's a Gator, too -- cool!

Anna Gregoline | January 27, 2005
"....and put it in a lawk bawx...."

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