Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2004
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Scott Hardie | February 14, 2004
Am I the only person here with primarily positive memories from high school? Sure, there were lousy parts, but I explored various identities, I had outlets to express my creativity, I made some lifelong friends (including the woman who started this discussion), I had lots of freedom with few responsibilities, and enough people liked me that I could surround myself with friendly faces. Plus I had a car. :-)

Lori Lancaster | February 14, 2004
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Jackie Mason | February 14, 2004
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Anna Gregoline | February 14, 2004
I had some really good times I am nostalgic about. But it was also a lot of heartache. I definitely don't want to experience it again.

Lori Lancaster | February 15, 2004
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Matthew Preston | February 15, 2004
High school for me was time of ignorance. I really didn't understand the world and district 303 didn't do a good job of preparing me. Adults at all the schools made it seem like this was the center of the universe and that everything we did had an impact on our futures (permanent records... whatever). It wasn't until late senior year when I started to realize there was more to life than high school. Although I was far from an adult in freshman year of college.

I seem to associate high school with a lot of bad memories, although there were good times. I had a close-knit group of friends but 99% of the fun we had was outside of school. I almost feel like I was tricked into obedience for the first 17 years of my life. I shudder at the thought of the robot like drone I was only doing things because I was "supposed" to. Now I am free to make my own decisions and I put up with bureaucracy because I get paid to. So yeah, high school still doesn't sit well with me.

Jackie Mason | February 16, 2004
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Lori Lancaster | February 16, 2004
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