Scott Hardie | October 2, 2009
We have some current and former Chicagoans here. Anybody happy or disappointed in Chicago losing the games?

The last-minute pitch by the Obamas was probably pointless, since the voters had already made up their minds. But did they have to stake Chicago's bid on their own celebrity appeal? Or on a speech by Oprah Winfrey? They claimed Chicago deserved to host the Olympics as "a symbol of the American dream." No wonder they lost; their pitch was aimed at Americans and had nothing to appeal to foreign interests. Do they realize the games are run by people from entirely other countries?

Tony Peters | October 2, 2009
honestly we has a country have had the Olympics a lot recently. Vancouver has them next year which I'm sure also play'd into the equasion....I think RIO is a better choice than Madrid and in truth I am really looking forward to seeing the olympic in south america

Jackie Mason | October 4, 2009
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