Rock Block Rebus Redux
Scott Hardie | January 17, 2023
Thanks, Steve! I'm so looking forward to this! :-)
Steve West | January 19, 2023
Another easy one before the difficulty increases.
A: Indigo Girls (INDIE (Jones) + GO + (Two Broke) GIRLS) solved by Erik Bates, Matt Preston, and Scott Hardie.
Steve West | January 21, 2023
Difficulty rating on the rise.
A: Crosby Stills and Nash ((Denise) CROSBY + STILL + SAND + NASH (gnash)) solved by Erik Bates and Scott Hardie. RIP David Crosby.
Steve West | January 25, 2023
The difficulty rating elevator is sitting on the bottom floor with this one.
A: John Mellencamp (JOHN +MELON + CAMP) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | January 28, 2023
Difficulty elevator has stopped on Floor 5, Famous Lispers Department.
A: Patti Smith (PATTIES + MITH) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | January 30, 2023
I will post a new rebus every few days but will leave it unanswered for a week in order to give players an opportunity to solve but not wait a week for a new one. Difficulty elevator stuck on floor 5. Be sure to visit the "Keep My Wife's Name Out of Your F***ing Mouth" Department.
A: Jackie Wilson (JACK + KEY + WILL (Smith) + SON (Jaden Smith)) solved by Erik Bates and Scott Hardie.
Steve West | February 1, 2023
Easy pickin's here.
A: Bob Seger ((fishing) BOB + (parting the Red) SEA + (dog growling) GRRRR) solved by Erik Bates - a solo solution!
Steve West | February 3, 2023
Had to kick the difficulty elevator because it was going to the wrong level. Let's see what happens when I push "basement".
A: Smokey Robinson (SMOKY + ROBIN + SUN) solved by Erik Bates and Scott Hardie.
Steve West | February 5, 2023
Difficulty elevator stops half-way between basement and penthouse. Now is a good time to browse the "I Need a Job, Mate" department.
A: Paul McCartney (PAUL (Hogan) + MICK (Dundee) + CART + KNEE) solved by Erik Bates and Scott Hardie.
Steve West | February 7, 2023
Let's lower this difficulty elevator until I can fix it.
A: Bruno Mars (BREW + NO (nyet) + MARS) solved by Erik Bates and Scott Hardie.
Steve West | February 9, 2023
Still hinky. Another semi-easy one.
A: Beach Bunny (BEACH + BUN + E) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | February 11, 2023
If I can fix this difficulty elevator, the next one is a doozy. But for now, a mostly easy one.
A: Sha Na Na (SHAH (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran) + BANANA - BAA) solved by Erik Bates and Scott Hardie.
Steve West | February 13, 2023
Difficulty elevator on a rocket ride to the penthouse! Good luck.
A: B.B. King (B.B. (To (2) be) + (not to be as in dead) KING (Hamlet's father) solved by Scott Hardie.
Steve West | February 14, 2023
The bumpy ride continues like a train with a drunk conductor...
A: Foster the People (FOSTER (Brooks) +TP + PULL) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | February 16, 2023
I've created so many of these things that if I maintain my current rate of presentation, you'd see some for the next two months! Therefore, I'll speed up the process (just a little) by presenting two on the same day - one easier than the other. Some created ones are not rebuses per se but more like a picture puzzle. They mimic a rebus in that the pieces of the name of the band still need to be assembled from the clues the picture presents. I'll show one of that type today. Good luck!
A: Aerosmith (AERO (arrow) + (black) SMITH - BLACK) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
A: Van Halen (VAN + HAIL + LEN) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | February 18, 2023
And like a bad radio DJ, I, the Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla, announce it's another twofer! (Not that twofers are bad, it's my lame impression that sucks.)
A: Bobby Day (BOBCAT - CAT + BEE + DAY) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
A: Eric Clapton (ERR + RICK (Springfield) + CLAP (Bravo!) + TON (couple thousand pounds said by Jessie's girl (a reference to Rick Springfield)) solved by no one.
Scott Hardie | February 19, 2023
I wouldn't mind playing these for the next two months. Just saying. :-)
Steve West | February 20, 2023
On advice from counsel, we'll return to one every other day. So, let's put another fang in the one-armed cobra and listen to this next band...
A: Pierce the Veil (PIERCE (Brosnan) THIEF + ALE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | February 22, 2023
Time to jump in the Wayback machine!
A: Little Richard (LITTLE + RICH (Impressionist Rich Little, last name first) + HARD) solved by no one.
Steve West | February 24, 2023
Auntie Em, Auntie Em! It's a twister, it's a twister!
A: Booker T. & the MG's (BOOKER (book her) + (Mr.) T + AND THE MG'S (Auntie Em, Geez)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | February 27, 2023
I've been dealing with the Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu so today I'm posting a picture that contains clues to discover four artists with names so short, combining them seemed like a good idea. Good luck x 4.
A: Queen, Prince, ABBA, Kiss (QUEEN (Elizabeth) + PRINCE (Charles) + ABBA & KISS (abacus)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 1, 2023
Ahhhh, just what the doctor ordered...
A: The Supremes (THE (duh) SOUP (chowder & tureen) + REAMS) solved by no one.
Steve West | March 2, 2023
Let's pick up the pace a little, shall we?
A: Ohio Players (OHIO (oh, hi, oh) + PLAYERS (team)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 3, 2023
Foreigner (FORE + RENNER) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 4, 2023
A: Beastie Boys (BEAST + TEA + BUOYS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!.
Steve West | March 6, 2023
A: Alabama Shakes (ALA + BAM (Margera) + MUSH + ACHES) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 7, 2023
A: Barry White (BURY + (Walter) WHITE) solved by no one.
Steve West | March 8, 2023
A: Rufus Thomas (ROOF + FUSS + TOM + ASS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 9, 2023
A: Roy Orbison (ROY + OR + BISON) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 10, 2023
A: Jamiroquai (JAM + EAR + OH + KWAI) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 11, 2023
A: Bon Jovi (BONNE + JOE + V) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 12, 2023
Twenty One Pilots (21 + PIE LOTS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 13, 2023
A: Tom Petty (TOM + PET + (one Plain White) T) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 14, 2023
A: Courtney Barnett (COURT + KNEE + BAR +NET) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 15, 2023
Neutral Milk Hotel (GNU + TRAIL MIX + HO + TELLER - ERRR) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 16, 2023
Carly Simon (CARL + LEE + SIMON) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 17, 2023
Amy Winehouse (AIM + ME + WHINE + HOUSE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution.
Steve West | March 18, 2023
David Bowie (DAVID (Spade or Cassidy) + BOW (tie) + WHEE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 19, 2023
A: Billy Idol (BILLY (goat) + EYE + DOLL) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 20, 2023
Fairport Convention (FAIR + PORT + CONVENT + SHUN} solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 21, 2023
Eddie Cochrane (EDDIE (Munster) + COCK + RAN) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 22, 2023
A: Rex Orange County (REX + ORANGE COUNT + TEE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 23, 2023
A: Ozzy Osbourne (OZ + Z +OZ + BOURNE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 24, 2023
A: Chubby and the Gang (CHUBBY (Checker) + ANDY + GANGSTER - STIR) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 25, 2023
A: Simon and Garfunkel (SIGH + MAN + ANGER + F + UNCLE) solved by no one.
Steve West | March 26, 2023
A: Lynyrd Skynyrd ((Paul) LYNDE + NERD +SKIN + NERD) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 27, 2023
A: Billy Boy Arnold (BILLY (club) + BOI + ARNOLD) solved by Scott Hardie.- a solo solution!
Steve West | March 28, 2023
A: Peter Frampton (PEA + TURF + RAMP + TUNNEL - NULL) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 29, 2023
A: Talking Heads (TALL + KING + HEADS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 30, 2023
51 down, 20 remain (unless I think of more). This one is a compilation of four performers with names too short for stand-alone rebuses.
A: Sam Cooke, James Taylor, Carole King, The Police (SAM + COOK, (Kevin) JAMES + TAILOR, CARROL (O'Connor) + KING, THE POLICE (one of us) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | March 31, 2023
A: Clyde McPhatter (CLYDE + MCFATTER) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 1, 2023
A: Stevie Ray Vaughan (STEVIE (Wonder) + RAY (Charles) + (Vince) VAUGHAN) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 2, 2023
I made more, go figure (I can't help myself!). But first, a bunch I don't really like but are still worth solving - they're either not very clever, super-obvious, or a bit of a stretch. I want to get rid of these so this can end on a high note.
A: A) U2 (Et Tu is Latin for "you also") solved by no one,
B) Alice in Chains (ALICE (Linda Lavin) + CHAINS (inside) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!,
C) New York Dolls (NEW YORK (borough flags) + DOLLS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!,
D) The Four Seasons solved by no one,
E) AC/DC (A SEA + DC) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 3, 2023
A: Bill Haley (and his Comets) (BILL + HAILEY (astronomer) + (AND + HIS + COMETS)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 4, 2023
Witnesses to history - Day of Arraignment.
A: Canned Heat (CANNED (fired) + HEAT (waves)) solved by no one.
Steve West | April 5, 2023
Derek and the Dominos (DERRICK + ANTE + DOM (Deluise) IN + O'S) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 6, 2023
A: Deep Purple (DEEP (bottomless) + PURR + POLE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 7, 2023
Cass McCombs (CASS (Elliot) + MICK (Jagger) + (Sean) COMBS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution.
Steve West | April 8, 2023
A: Roxy Music (ROCK (Mr. Johnson) + SEE + MU (Greek letter) + SICK (fever)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 9, 2023
A: Ziggy Marley (ZIGGY (Stardust) + (Jacob) MARLEY) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 10, 2023
A: Al Stewart ((call me) AL + STEW + ART) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 11, 2023
A: The Rock and Roll Trio (THE ROCK (Dwayne Johnson) + ANT + TROLL + TREE + OH) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 12, 2023
A: The Bombay Royale (DUH + BOMBAY (gin) + ROYALE (with cheese)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 13, 2023
Another group with names too short for a solo.
A: (from left to right, top to bottom) Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Rod Stewart, Fats Domino, Freddie King, Nickelback, Ray Charles, Shaggy (PINK + FLOYD (Mayberry), STEELY + DAN (Snyder), (Hot) ROD + STUART (Little), (Minnesota) FATS + DOMINO, FREDDIE (Krueger) + KING, NICKEL + BACK (change), (Blu) RAY CHARLES, SHAGGY) A, B, D, E, F, H solved by Scott Hardie - solo solutions!, C & G solved by no one.
Steve West | April 14, 2023
A: Robbie Williams (ROB + BEE + WILL + YAMS) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 15, 2023
A: The Paul Butterfield Blues Band (THUMB - MMM + PALLBEARERS - ERRORS + UDDER + FIELD + BLUE SPANDEX - (Malcolm) X) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 16, 2023
A: Bruce Springsteen (BREWS (teas) + SPRINGS+ TEEN (puberty)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 17, 2023
A: Electric Light Orchestra (ELECT + RICK (Astley) + LIE + (Peter) TORK (Monkee) + EXTRA) solved by no one.
Steve West | April 18, 2023
Grateful Dead (GREAT + FULL + DEAD (battery)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 19, 2023
A: Alanis Morissette (ATLANTIS - (Mr.) T - (Model) T + MORRIS (the 9 Lives cat) + SET) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 20, 2023
A: Tremonti (TRAY + MONTY (Hall)) solved by Scott Hardie -a solo solution!
Steve West | April 21, 2023
A: The Moody Blues (THE MOOD (tone) + E + BLUES) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 22, 2023
A: Led Zeppelin (LEAD (Pb) + ZEPPO - OH + ELLEN (Degeneres)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 23, 2023
Shawnn Mendes (SEAN (Combs)+ MEND + DESE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 24, 2023
We've reached the final week of the game with seven rebuses remaining. The final one for this Redux will be posted on Sunday.
A: Ritchie Valens (RICH E + VALENTINE'S (Day) - TINE) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 25, 2023
A: The Allman Brothers Band (THEO (Cosby Show) + ALMOND - OD (Odie) + BROTHER (sewing machine) + SPANNED) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 26, 2023
A: Whitney Houston (WHITNEY (tallest mountain in California) + HOUSTON (astronaut's "problem")) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 27, 2023
A: Queens of the Stone Age (QUEEN + SHOVE + THE STONE H) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 28, 2023
A: The Velvet Underground (DUVALL + VET + UNDERDOG - DOG +GROUND (wire)) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 29, 2023
A: Jimmy Buffett (GYM + ME + BUFFET) solved by Scott Hardie - a solo solution!
Steve West | April 30, 2023
It's been quite a run of 88 (?) rebuses that included 104 (?) artists! It was my exclusive pleasure. Good luck on the final two.
A: Dolly Parton (DOLL + LEAP + ART + TIN) solved by Scott Hardie. - a solo solution!
Bonus Rebus!
A: Bo Diddley (BOW (tie) + DID + LEE (Majors)) solved by no one.
And that's a wrap!
Scott Hardie | May 2, 2023
Steve, I have had an absolute blast playing this game! You've done an amazing job of putting together so many clever rebuses and puzzles. Some of these were real brain-teasers and it took me quite a while to figure them out. I enjoyed this immensely. I'm disappointed that other folks stopped playing within the first few days, but I kind of understand; the game was a lot harder at first before I realized that all of the artists were already in Rock Block and there was a list of possible answers. I'm sure that people will be glad to have this TC notification stop repeating each morning, but me, I'm mourning the end of the series and grateful to have gotten to play. Thank you so much for this. :-)
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Steve West | January 15, 2023
Game time! I've created a few Rock Block Rebuses and with Scott's help, finally figured out how to post and share. To answer the Rebus puzzle, private message me on this site and I will reply whether you are correct. In a week or so, I wiil publish the answer, who got it right, and the next Rebus. Good luck and have fun! This first one isn't too, too tough (I think).
click image to zoom
A: Arcade Fire (Ark + First Aid - First + Fire) solved by Scott Hardie and Matt Preston.