Saving Face
Michael Paul Cote | December 5, 2005
How long before the movie "Face Off" becomes a reality?
Jackie Mason | December 6, 2005
[hidden by request]
Scott Hardie | December 8, 2005
Now what I'm thinking is that instead of face transplants, in another generation or two we'll have "plastic" faces that can be adjusted electronically. Feel like having higher cheekbones today? Fuller lips? Wider eyes? Just press a button.
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Scott Hardie | December 5, 2005
With the news of the first successful face transplant – however controversial this particular incident might be (link) – am I the only one wondering how long it will be until this is a routine cosmetic procedure performed on people whose faces are perfectly fine except in their own minds? Here's predicting it will happen within two years.
"We no longer have natural selection. We have unnatural selection. Survival of the fittest has been replaced by survival of the fakest. Biology used to be destiny. Now biology's a masquerade party." -Maureen Dowd