Michael Paul Cote

Michael wrote 293 comments in these 293 discussions: Even Mr. Potato Head Can't Resist the Darkside, Ban This, What's So Funny?, show all »Even Mr. Potato Head Can't Resist the Darkside, Ban This, What's So Funny?, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Summer Movie Season, Florida, What are We Going to Do with You?, The Cheat is in Trouble, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Non-Book Learnin', Tragic Animal Comedy, Flip Flop Gender Roles, Pareidolia, Gone to the Great Deep-Fryer in the Sky, Gone to the Great Deep-Fryer in the Sky, Summer Movie Season, Today's Dumb Headline, Trouble in the Garden State, Trouble in the Garden State, Help! My Remote Control is Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!, Assignment: Cinematic Gender Reversal, Help! My Remote Control is Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!, Help! My Remote Control is Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!, Assignment: Cinematic Gender Reversal, Help! My Remote Control is Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!, Assignment: Cinematic Gender Reversal, Assignment: 100 Movie Moments, Guilty Pleasures, That's Hot?, Reality Television, Chasing Greatness, That's Hot?, Chasing Greatness, &%*&$#@!!!, Hmmm... Creative Precaution or Chic Fashion Statement?, Happy Birthday, Scott!, That's Hot?, Ok, Why?, Four True Things, Four True Things, That's Hot?, Four True Things, Rotten to the Corps, Rotten to the Corps, I Have Never, More Retired Phrases, I Have Never, Welcome to the Jungle, I Have Never, Welcome to the Jungle Goo Style, Welcome to the Jungle Goo Style, Welcome to the Jungle Goo Style, Same Name, New House, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, Not Part of the Solution, Kitten Cannon, Flag Burning Amendment, Kitten Cannon, Flag Burning Amendment, Flag Burning Amendment, Why Does the Supreme Court Hate Americans?, Open Letters, You Knew It Had to Come, You Knew It Had to Come, A Really Good Parody, Pathetic Geek Stories, Bubbles, No Tea, Cosmic Injustice, Pathetic Geek Stories, Pathetic Geek Stories, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Deadbeat Dad, Making School Rule, Happy Birthday, John!, Will You Cook My Dinner for Me? My Parents Aren't Around and I'm Not Allowed to Turn on the Stove, Donchya Wanna... Wanna Fanta?, Scotty Beams His Last, Any Movie Aficionados Seen This Yet?, Hot Coffee, People Piss Me Off, Lyrical Minefield, Anno Stupiditas, Hatemongers, Brandy is Good, Brandy is Good, Brandy is Good, The Da Vinci Code, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Katrina, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, Ophelia Broke My Crown and Took My Power!, Lost, I was Drunk, Your Honor, The Da Vinci Code, Firefly, Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80, The Da Vinci Code, Parenting Students, Firefly, Firefly, Bad Dream, Firefly, Parenting Students, White Beats Red, Parenting Students, Parenting Students, Consuming More Popculture, The New 007, White Beats Red, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Big Man, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Big Man, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Big Man, Planet of the Apes, Childish Behavior?, Planet of the Apes, W. 2004, Green Puppy, The Holiday Season, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, The Holiday Season, Big Man, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, The Holiday Season, Childish Behavior?, Unabandoned, Flowers?, Feeding Frenzy in Aisle Five!, Planet of the Apes, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Sorry, I Need an Outlet, Sorry, I Need an Outlet, Saving Face, Unabandoned, The Holiday Season, The Holiday Season, College Football, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, New Rules, Lexus Be Serious, Lexus Be Serious, Lexus Be Serious, Lexus Be Serious, Something Kinda Cool, Passion of Benny Hill, Happy Holidays to All, Planet of the Apes, Planet of the Apes, Planet of the Apes, Predict the Oscars 2005, New Rules, They May Take Our Kilts, but They'll Never Take Our Freedom, Le Spam, New Years Eve Plans?, The Holiday Season, Goddamn Women, New Year, New Round, New Rules, Goddamn Women, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Guess Who Put the Ass in Assassination, Goddamn Women, Happy Birthday, Amy, Gluttons, Awaiting Punishment, Names That Rock, Gluttons, Awaiting Punishment, The Ten Best Films of 2005 That I Saw, Gluttons, Awaiting Punishment, The Ten Best Films of 2005 That I Saw, And Now for Something Completely Political, And Now for Something Completely Political, New Pants, Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Scam Artist or Just Bad Artist?, Rubbing the Salt in the Wound?, Cheney Needs New Glasses, We All Use Math Everyday..., Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Quick Celebrity Poll, We All Use Math Everyday..., Quick Celebrity Poll, We All Use Math Everyday..., We All Use Math Everyday..., We All Use Math Everyday..., Spammers - Had Any Recent Dealings with Them?, Predict the Oscars 2006, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Homeless and Helpless, Coming Attractions, Chef Leaves South Park, FCCommunists, Chef Leaves South Park, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Slither vs. Silent Hill?, Money = Fat Asses?, (0781), Chef Leaves South Park, Kinda Quiet - So Let's Start Something, Chef Leaves South Park, When Will the US Invade Iran?, United 93, Work Work Work, Work Work Work, Trends That Suck/Kick Ass, Work Work Work, Work Work Work, Stupid IE, The Apocalypse is Here, Here is How I Know, Happy Birthday Scott!, Hobbits or Diseased Folk?, Getting Anxious/Excited!, 666, 666, Coulter: Agree with Her or Be Branded Evil, Movies, FIFA World Cup 2006, And I'm Off..., Movies, Work Work Work, Liberation Day, It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's.........., Where's Scott?, goo.tc, Nerd Out, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, goo.tc, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Israel, Duh, Comedy and Gender Politics, Comedy and Gender Politics, Is This Where We Have Gotten To?!, Give Me a Break...Is Nothing Sacred!!!, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Who's on a Leash Now?, What Will They Think of Next?, This is Real Magic!, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., I Know You're on Vacation, But..., Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Unique Housing Developments, Chasing Chávez, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, No More Laundry, Happy Birthday, Kris!, The Perfect Xmas Toy for Tiny Tina, No More Laundry, More Shootings Avoided, More Shootings Avoided, When There's Not a Dog Handy..., The Ultimate Discussion, The Ultimate Discussion, The Ultimate Discussion, The End of FIN, Assignment Hollywood, Awwwwwwww, Yeaaaaaahhh!!!, 10 Random Things I Learned in 2006, Awwwwwwww, Yeaaaaaahhh!!!, Awwwwwwww, Yeaaaaaahhh!!!, Clinton the Second, Harry Potter: NC17, Awwwwwwww, Yeaaaaaahhh!!!, I Know This is One of Scott H.'s Favorite Directors..., I Know This is One of Scott H.'s Favorite Directors..., You May Be a Dork If..., You May Be a Dork If..., Death Penalty, You May Be a Dork If..., Death Penalty, Death Penalty, Death Penalty, "My Sweet Lord", Cultural Blind Spots, Wonderful, Roving Captions, Sequel Wishlist, Sequel Wishlist, Happy Birthday Aaron, Career Inclination, Nothing Sacred... All Purpose Family Guy Discussion, and Who Said That Week.
Michael wrote 2 replies to these 2 blog posts: Yay, a blog! and Not-So-Confidential to My Gaming Group.