Scott Hardie | February 21, 2020
What phrase from a movie or book or TV show do you find yourself repeating from time to time?

Bonus points if it's not a famous, well-known quote.

Steve West | February 21, 2020
Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers. - Shakespeare, somewhere in Romeo and Juliet

Bob: I think God is taunting me.
Lucas: I don't think you're important enough.
John Sandford, Neon Prey

Pretend - for the purposes of this conversation - that I'm dumb.
CJ Cregg, The West Wing

Samir Mehta | February 21, 2020
[hidden by request]

Steve West | February 22, 2020
Into the mud, scum queen.
Steve Martin, The Man With Two Brains

It's a moral imperative.
Val Kilmer, Real Genius

There's literally no one in the world I don't hate right now.
Toby Ziegler, The West Wing

Scott Hardie | March 8, 2020
There's a scene in Braveheart where Mel Gibson tells the horsemen in his army to leave the battlefield so they can outflank the English on the other side. "Leave?" they ask. "Aye, do it," he says, "and let the English see you do it." That movie came out 25 years ago, and I still cannot think to myself "do it" without immediately thinking, "and let the English see you do it."

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