Scott Hardie | February 26, 2002
So I step outside the door to go to class, and I get a blast of snow in the face, and I go back inside the house. I'll go to my next two classes; I don't have to walk a half-mile each way across campus to reach those.

Anna Gregoline | February 26, 2002
This is one of the many reasons you are not done with school yet.

Scott Hardie | February 27, 2002
Actually, there are only three reasons, and this one's way more influential than the other two. ;-)

Matthew Preston | February 27, 2002
I seem to remember going back to bed when it rained at Bradley. Again, a good reason why I still only have 80 credits after nearly 6 years. I also remember sleeping through many classes staying up too late giggling with Scott. Ask him about the "Facts of Life" theme song. Good times.

I miss snow....

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