Lori Lancaster | October 22, 2004
[hidden by request]

John E Gunter | October 22, 2004
Nice images.

Your title reminded me of some pictures I found on the Internet that I thought were kind of cool. Not near as pleasant a picture, in that it's an abandoned city, but some really nice images of
Gunkajima. It's a Japanese city on an island, the name means, Battleship, where they found coal reserves in 1810. By 1974 the coal had run out and everyone left behind. It says that they left their possessions as well as the buildings.

That part kind of makes me suspicious, but my penitent for the post apocalyptic makes me like the photos. Anyway, thought those of us who were interested in photography might want to check them out.

I've know of some other sites like this one that I can give the links for if anyone else is interested.


Lori Lancaster | October 22, 2004
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | October 22, 2004
ALL RIGHT -- cool thread! Thanks for the images, guys -- very cool! I'll try to get some up here, but probably not for a while yet. See, I separated in WA and moved here in July, but only because he's training here -- and has been here since Jan/Feb -- and his orders will have us moving again in just a few more months! So, we haven't allowed delivery of the HHG yet, knowing that we're only going to have to go through *another* packout/move! So, I have a few articles of clothing here, and we sleep on a futon on the floor -- about 90% of our stuff is being stored in 5 giant cubes right now and waiting to go to NC! So I occupy myself -- probably a little *too* much -- on his laptop all the time (the stand-up is packed, too)!

John E Gunter | October 22, 2004
[quote]on his laptop all the time (the stand-up is packed, too)![/quote]

So I guess the term laptop really fits that computer. ;-)



Amy Austin | October 22, 2004
LOL -- no, there's actually a desk here, too...

He found a studio here for a good price, and he bought a few "bare essentials" for his year of schooling here -- a desk, bookshelf, TV, table & chairs, a set of dishes, and the futon -- but he also knew that we would kill each other before making it to our next station if we didn't get at least one more wall when I came down in July. So, when the only 1BR in the building (the rest are studios, and one penthouse that I don't know what it looks like) came open at the perfect time, he moved up to it, and we have been... okay. Just okay, though. It's a cute & cozy little apt -- good for a single or young couple just starting out -- but it's quite cramped compared to what we had in WA... what we're used to *and* what we need! It's just so expensive here in CA!!!

Scott Hardie | October 22, 2004
Awesome photos.

Lori Lancaster | October 23, 2004
[hidden by request]

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