John E Gunter

John wrote 628 comments in these 627 discussions: Munchkinism, I Want My Death TV, Main Menu Links, show all »Munchkinism, I Want My Death TV, Main Menu Links, Spring Cleaning, The Strange Genealogy of the Dating Show, The Polls on the Site Go Round and Round, TC Delight, TC Delight, Yikes Almighty, The Polls on the Site Go Round and Round, Are You a Feminist?, Are You a Feminist?, The Polls on the Site Go Round and Round, The Polls on the Site Go Round and Round, Fat Guys Need Not Apply, Madder Cows, Vampires Were Once Human Too, Fat Guys Need Not Apply, Fat Guys Need Not Apply, Fat Guys Need Not Apply, The Polls on the Site Go Round and Round, Another Caption Contest, Another Caption Contest, User Maps, User Maps, Anyone?, Gay Princes, Anyone?, Gay Princes, Gay Princes, It's Raining Spam, Horse Tales, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away..., Netflix, A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away..., E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Horse Tales, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away..., Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Netflix, Netflix, Netflix, The Ten Best Films of 2003 That I Saw (And Other Lists), Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Netflix, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Smoking is Visually Dangerous?, Hot or Not?, 9-11 Compensation, Hot or Not?, Hot or Not?, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Thank You, Come Again, No Sin Sticks While Rolling, Thank You, Come Again, Thank You, Come Again, Thank You, Come Again, Senile Parents, Senile Parents, Thank You, Come Again, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, E.T. DVD 2 Disk Set, Senile Parents, Senile Parents, Senile Parents, Cats!, I'm Such a Woman, I'm Such a Woman, I'm Such a Woman, Bookworm, I'm Such a Woman, I'm Such a Woman, Colored Chicks, Democratic National Convention, Democratic National Convention, Oooooh Saaaaay Caaaaaan Yooooooou Seeeeee...., Voting, Democratic National Convention, Voting, Democratic National Convention, Oooooh Saaaaay Caaaaaan Yooooooou Seeeeee...., Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Choosing Your Time, Star Trek, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Spare the Rod?, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Spare the Rod?, Spare the Rod?, Spare the Rod?, Spare the Rod?, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Spare the Rod?, Cartoon Shows Made into Live Action, Computer Help, Evacuations, Required Voting, Compensation, Tipping Over, Required Voting, Is This Possible?, Tipping Over, Military Grunts, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Military Grunts, We Forgive You, Searching Lockers, We Forgive You, We Forgive You, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Searching Lockers, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Assault Weapons, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Russia's Now in the Game, Star Wars DVDs, 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., New Gatsby, "Great"?, 50 Other Things That CBS News Believes..., Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Cinenumerology, Silver Screen Guilty Pleasure, Assignment: South Park, What is the War on Terror?, Calling All Civil Engineers, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, I Know Everyone Doesn't Like It But..., What is the War on Terror?, Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, I Know Everyone Doesn't Like It But..., Kerry, the 4-Month Warrior, What is the War on Terror?, What is the War on Terror?, What is the War on Terror?, Collections, Collections, How Erik Spent His Thursday, The Debates!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Collections, The Debates!, The Debates!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Daydreaming, Identity Theft, Identity Theft, Identity Theft, Identity Theft, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Banned Books, The End of the World, Third Party Candidates, Third Party Candidates, Does Anybody Have a Favorite TV Commercial?, Photo Call, Photo Call, Wherefore Art Thou ----?, Stranger in a Strange Land, Photo Call, Stranger in a Strange Land, Photo Call, Photo Call, Photo Call, Photo Call, Offroad, Banned Books, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Goo Reborn, Don't Blame Me I Voted for Kodos, The Nights That Aren't, Photo Call, Horror Movies, Election Day, My Eyes!, Horror Movies, Election Day, Photo Call, My Eyes!, Election Day, Got a Nickname, Tell Us How It Came About!, My Eyes!, Got a Nickname, Tell Us How It Came About!, W. 2004, Got a Nickname, Tell Us How It Came About!, W. 2004, W. 2004, Election Day, W. 2004, Toilet Paper, Halloween Candy, Toilet Paper, W. 2004, Halloween Candy, W. 2004, Cosplay Anyone?, Got a Nickname, Tell Us How It Came About!, Goo Reborn, W. 2004, W. 2004, Toilet Paper, Cosplay Anyone?, The Start of the Real Life Terminator, The Start of the Real Life Terminator, Toilet Paper, Election Day, We are All Stars, Election Day, Toilet Paper, Toilet Paper, The Nights That Aren't, Photo Call, Cosplay Anyone?, Cosplay Anyone?, Photo Call, The Nights That Aren't, Cosplay Anyone?, Halloween Candy, Photo Call, Horror Movies, Election Day, Election Day, Election Day, Election Day, Cosplay Anyone?, Firebrand, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Voting Fraud, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, The Next Four Years, America the Beloved, America the Beloved, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Party Dips and Chips, Police State, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Voting Fraud, Party Dips and Chips, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Start Kissing Your Reproductive Rights Goodbye, Ladies, Party Dips and Chips, TV Trivia Time!, TV Trivia Time!, Voting Fraud, The Next Four Years, TV Trivia Time!, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Voting Fraud, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Best Movie Quotes, Best Movie Quotes, Best Movie Quotes, Denial of Water, More Twisted News, Denial of Water, Best Movie Quotes, Best Movie Quotes, Denial of Water, An Informal Poll, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, [Bleep] You, The Creation Museum, The Creation Museum, The Creation Museum, The Creation Museum, Greek Homophobia, Greek Homophobia, Current Goo, The Creation Museum, Current Goo, The Creation Museum, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, The Creation Museum, Smokes for Troops, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, Smokes for Troops, Smokes for Troops, Tolerance and Acceptance is Controversial, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Wal-Mart Sued Over Objectionable Lyrics, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, I Hate These Republicans, 2005: The Year of the Sucking!, 2005: The Year of the Sucking!, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, Happy Birthday, Even Mr. Potato Head Can't Resist the Darkside, Even Mr. Potato Head Can't Resist the Darkside, 27 Views on War, and Counting, The TC Book/Movie Club, Traditionnnnnnn! Tradition!, What's Your Favorite Color?, Sigh, The Big One, Puttin' on the Mitz, Puttin' on the Mitz, Hi Everyone, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Digital Cameras, The State of the Union 2005, 2604, What the Hell is Wrong with Some People, Twisted Cosplay, Loonatics, Alphabetization, Hunter, Here I Come...I Guess, Alphabetization, Alphabetization, Here I Come...I Guess, Ta-Da, It's an Announcement, Here I Come...I Guess, Why in My Neighborhood?, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, I Hate Snow, I Hate Snow, I Hate Snow, Here I Come...I Guess, Horse Tales, Here I Come...I Guess, Horse Tales, Episode III Trailer, Horse Tales, Fellow Democrats: Prepare to Lose, Again, Fellow Democrats: Prepare to Lose, Again, Horse Tales, The Original Author is Dead? So What!, D+D = Psychologist?, Super Size Me, Super Size Me, Super Size Me, Euthanasia, Get the Paddles! We're Losing Him!, Euthanasia, Congratulations, Get the Paddles! We're Losing Him!, Super Size Me, Ban This, Ban This, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Ban This, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Ban This, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Summer Movie Season, Euthanasia, Summer Movie Season, Euthanasia, Ban This, Euthanasia, Ban This, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, I Haven't Been This Livid in Weeks, Euthanasia, Summer Movie Season, Florida, What are We Going to Do with You?, Florida, What are We Going to Do with You?, Florida, What are We Going to Do with You?, Florida, What are We Going to Do with You?, D+D = Psychologist?, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Keeping the Mother Tongue in West Virginia, Fantasy Wish List, Television Zombies?, The Sweet Taste of Success, Non-Book Learnin', Fantasy Wish List, Entertain Me, Fantasy Wish List, Time Capsules 'r Us, Time Capsules 'r Us, Television Zombies?, Non-Book Learnin', Time Capsules 'r Us, Time Capsules 'r Us, Tragic Animal Comedy, Non-Book Learnin', The Sweet Taste of Success, Non-Book Learnin', Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Not So Fonda, B Negative, B Negative, Not Another Medium!!!, B Negative, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, B Negative, Pareidolia, B Negative, B Negative, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Catholicism: A New Pope, Pareidolia, A Bit of Star Wars Crazyness, A Bit of Star Wars Crazyness, Catholicism: A New Pope, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, A Bit of Star Wars Crazyness, Not Another Medium!!!, You Say Tomato... I Say... Uh..., Summer Movie Season, Gone to the Great Deep-Fryer in the Sky, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, Pizza, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, Trouble in the Garden State, Help! My Remote Control is Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!, When Good Movies Go Bad, When Good Movies Go Bad, Assignment: 100 Movie Moments, When Good Movies Go Bad, Who are You?, Who are You?, That's Hot?, Chasing Greatness, Chasing Greatness, That's Hot?, Let the Games Begin..., That's Hot?, That's Hot?, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Four True Things, Happy Birthday, Scott!, More Retired Phrases, Welcome to the Jungle Goo Style, Same Name, New House, Kitten Cannon, Not Part of the Solution, The Dark Knight, Not Part of the Solution, Flag Burning Amendment, Why Does the Supreme Court Hate Americans?, Open Letters, You Knew It Had to Come, Really Old Style Addictive Game, A Really Good Parody, Happy Birthday, John!, Scotty Beams His Last, Hot Coffee, For the Record..., Hot Coffee, People Piss Me Off, Lyrical Minefield, Anno Stupiditas, Hatemongers, Lyrical Minefield, The Da Vinci Code, Katrina, I was Drunk, Your Honor, I Don't Even Know What to Say to This, Lost, Ophelia Broke My Crown and Took My Power!, IM Fever, Reach Out and Write Someone, IM Fever, Reach Out and Write Someone, Consuming More Popculture, Parenting Students, Parenting Students, Horowitz's Goo, Late-Night Observations: Is It Just Me, Or...???, Late-Night Observations: Is It Just Me, Or...???, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Green Puppy, Movies to See!, The Holiday Season, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Big Man, DVD Madness, Lexus Be Serious, Cookies are a Sometimes Security Threat, New Years Eve Plans?, Le Spam, Goddamn Women, Scam Artist or Just Bad Artist?, Even Mr. Potato Head Can't Resist the Darkside, Flying Kitties, XM vs Sirius, XM vs Sirius, Coming Attractions, Spammers - Had Any Recent Dealings with Them?, Spammers - Had Any Recent Dealings with Them?, Spammers - Had Any Recent Dealings with Them?, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Coming Attractions, Chef Leaves South Park, Ol' Dirty Bastard in Florida, Work Work Work, Ol' Dirty Bastard in Florida, Work Work Work, Work Work Work, Work Work Work, Trends That Suck/Kick Ass, Stupid IE, Underwear! In the Streets!, The Apocalypse is Here, Here is How I Know, Movies,, Nerd Out, Israel, Nerd Out, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson,, Nerd Out, Dude You Have Sex with Children!!, Nerd Out,, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Saving Scottie Ho, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Comedy and Gender Politics, Duh, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Is This Where We Have Gotten To?!, Eye on Ahmadinejad, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Give Me a Break...Is Nothing Sacred!!!, Work Work Work, Unique Housing Developments, World War Z, Eight Bucks, World War Z, Eight Bucks, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., World War Z, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Scam Artist or Just Bad Artist?, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, No More Laundry, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Overrated / Underrated, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Unique Housing Developments, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Unique Housing Developments, Unique Housing Developments, More Shootings Avoided, Work Work Work, The Ultimate Discussion, The Ultimate Discussion, The Ultimate Discussion, Browser Shift, and Yo, Adrian.