Greg Bair | October 29, 2007
For some reason, I'm not getting a "guess the goo" link with the current goo. Not sure why. This is the first time I've ever had this problem.

Steve Dunn | October 29, 2007
Are you logged in? I occasionally have to log in again.

Greg Bair | October 29, 2007

Scott Hardie | October 29, 2007
You guessed her already at 7am, Greg, unless it was someone else logged in as you. There's nothing like behind a step ahead of yourself.

Tony Peters | October 29, 2007
I've had that happen too....I logged in via cookie once and was logged in as Amy...since I know she's never been on my computer I don't know that happened...I logged out and logged in via password and all was normal again

Amy Austin | October 30, 2007
If you're talking about your laptop, that's not true -- I was on your computer in Virginia... when I first introduced you to the game. Doesn't explain a cookie that old, but... well, there you have it.

Tony Peters | October 30, 2007
yes well I thought you used your lap top to look at the goo then....anyway this laptop has been rebuilt twice since then plus I've been through 2 different browsers in that time

Greg Bair | October 30, 2007
Huh. I'm guessing that Allison guessed while it was logged in as me. I guess I'll have to log in as her and guess the goo now.

Sorry about that.

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