Scott Hardie | November 22, 2004
In your judgment, what is the best film playing right now in theaters, that we should all go out and see?

What upcoming films do you want to see most this Oscar season?

Mike Eberhart | November 22, 2004
The Incredibles. This is just a great movie.

Lori Lancaster | November 22, 2004
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Erik Bates | November 22, 2004
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Lori Lancaster | November 22, 2004
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Erik Bates | November 22, 2004
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Scott Horowitz | November 22, 2004
It was a damn good movie.

Scott Hardie | November 23, 2004
"The Incredibles" is a good movie, and so is "Ray." I've been catching most of my new movies at the dollar theater lately, so I don't know too much about the current stuff. I won't have enough opportunities to see all of the Oscar-oriented films before year's end, but I'm going to cram in as many as I can; thank goodness I finally live in a city with an art house theater. I stupidly missed "Garden State" when friends saw it, and it comes out on DVD on December 28; you tell me, fellas, is it worth holding my ten-best till mid-January to catch it?

Erik Bates | November 23, 2004
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | November 23, 2004
Yeah, Scott, definitely. It was a genuine heart felt movie.

My favorite quote is from Peter Sarsgaard's character, "Don't tease me about my hobbies. I don't tease you about being an asshole. "

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