Kris Weberg | January 22, 2006
Interesting blog rant from an industry member about how day-and-date DVD releases could be good for movie theaters:


D'oh! This should be in the Culture section

Scott Hardie | January 22, 2006
It's well argued, but does Cuban really think that what works for his 185 art-house theaters could possibly work for the entire industry? What I'd like to see somebody in the industry say on this subject is that the future isn't known: It's entirely possible that day-and-date could be a boon to exhibitors, and also possible it could be their doom; we won't know unless we try it. Cuban accuses Fithian of being "religious" about his convictions, but both men are sure of the unknown.

Scott Horowitz | January 25, 2006
I like having DVDs of movies, but there are just some that are meant to be seen on the big screen. Even if Star Wars Ep. 3 was released on DVD the same day it was in theaters, I'd still go to the theater. That may be the "fanboy" in me, but I just feel you don't get the same thing from watching it on a smaller screen.

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