Jackie Mason | May 16, 2007
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | May 16, 2007
Call me jaded and cynical (I am!), but did he really want to go, and did anyone actually expect he was going to end up going to Iraq? I think it was all a bunch of hoo-haw, personally. It's like if I say, "I would love to save my wife the pain of being pregnant, and I would be pregnant for her if I could!" Ha! That's easy for me to say, since I know the chances of me having to endure that is zero! I suspect it's easy for Prince Harry to say he'd like to go to Iraq, knowing there was no chance he'd actually have to go. But, again, I'm jaded.

In any case, if there are specific threats against him (that's what I saw on CNN, and I assume what is in this story), and that could lead to the soldiers with him being in danger, isn't it better he doesn't go? I mean, not just for him, but for those around him and under his command?

I'm still waiting for the Bush twins to go to Iraq. That would be funniest! ;)

Scott Hardie | May 23, 2007
Me, I think the truth about his motives lies somewhere in-between. It would be interesting if he were trying to make an anti-war statement about how only the sons and daughters of the poor have to go fight in Iraq (kind of like how Senator Rangel is trying to re-instate the draft here), but that's clearly not the case.

Aaron Shurtleff | May 23, 2007
I agree with you Scott, and we'll probably never know, but I've found it's easier to just go ahead and be negative! :D

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