Aaron Shurtleff

Aaron wrote these 134 posts for his blog MiracleASSassin: Yay, a blog!, 2-VIII-2006 or Why am I so angry?, 3-VIII-2006 or Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em!, show all »Yay, a blog!, 2-VIII-2006 or Why am I so angry?, 3-VIII-2006 or Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em!, 4-VIII-2006 or Dogs and Ponies and VP's, Oh, $h!t!, 7-VIII-2006 or Pants off Dance off!, 9-VIII-2006 or You never go ass to mouth!, 10-VII-2006 or Thinking too hard, 11-VIII-2006 or Scutellum with Sublateral Grooves, 14-VIII-2006 or "A bombardment?" "An OBSCENE one!!", 16-VIII-2006 or When the cat's away..., 17-VIII-2006 or I am a little japanese girl!, 18-VIII-2006 or Are you doing that on purpose?, 22-VIII-2006 or PC Load Letter?! What the #@$% does that mean?!, 23-VIII-2006 or Happy Birthday! (Supplemental-No reply), 23-VIII-2006 or Please think for me, I can't bear to., 25-VIII-2006 or All good things..., 29-VIII-2006 or Most-wanted polygamist?!, 1-IX-2006 or TT4N!, 20-IX-2006 or Man, those Samoans sure are a surly bunch., 28-IX-2006 or AGRONOMY AND SOILS CLUB BIG PEANUT SALE!!!, 6-X-2006 or It's a holiday! I'm at work!, 13-X-2006 or Yeah, yeah, yeah I know what day it is., 20-X-2006 or Peer Pressure, 27-X-2006 or There's still a feeling of rejection..., 3-XI-2006 or Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages When Taking This Medicine, 22-XI-2006 or Where have you been?, 4-XII-2006, or The One About Mythbusters, 13-XII-2006, or MMPI has nothing to do with Tom Selleck, 22-XII-2006, or Time to set the auto-reply!, 05-I-2007 or No Spoilers in this post, I swear!!, 8-I-2007 or Mid-week Madness!!!, 12-I-2007 or Bad Weekend Ahead, 17-I-2007 or Henry Rollins ain't got nothing on me!, 19-I-2007 or And now for something completely different, 24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!, 2-II-2007, or, I'm fine, thanks!, 20-II-2007 or Holy crap!, 22-II-2007 or Speaking of crap..., 7-III-2007 or What You Don't Want to Hear, 29-III-2007 or But you can't stop this, ya narcissist! :P, 30-III-2007 or Happy Days are here again!, 6-IV-2007 or I am so high, I can see heaven., 25-IV-2007 or Ze pearl is in ze river, 21-V-2007 or Has it been a month already?, 28-V-2007 or Hippies will always attack an Elf, when they see one., 8-VI-2007 or Time Keeps on Slippin', 15-VI-2007 or Feeling Like a Monday..., 16-VII-2007 or Here I Go Again, 17-VII-2007 or To See Or Not To See...(SPOILERS?), 18-VII-2007 or Three Days In A Row?, 2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo..., 3-VIII-2007 or Kickball Follies, 4-VIII-2007 or Short and Sweet, 9-VIII-2007 or Going to the Kickball!, 10-VIII-2007 or An Unhappy Call (No Reply), Addendum, 27-VIII-2007 or Where Is My Mind?, 6-IX-2007 or Not again! :(, 24/25-X-2007 or That's What I Get..., 31-X-2007 or Quick funny, 5-XII-2007 or I Think I Need a Break, 29-I-2008 or Clarification, 8-II-2008 or No way! Not on your life!, 4-III-2008 or I Kick Ass For The Lord!, 24&25-III-2008 or It's probably too late to post..., 26-III-2008 or Late Nite Shenanigans, 10-IV-2008 or Beavis and Butthead, 17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen..., 19-IV-2008 or Short But Sweet, Test, 21-IV-2008 or Tee Hee, 24-IV-2008 or Fallen Angel, 25-IV-2008 or Seedy Underground, 25-IV-2008(ii) or A Look Inside My Head, 6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon, 10-V-2008 or Thrash Unreal!, 11-V-2008 or Oh, You Won't Like This..., 4-VI-2008 or I want to write, but I must sleep, 2-VII-2008 or Quick Hits, 12-VII-2008 or Furious Ranting, 17-VII-2008 or Severed Penises!!!, 28-VII-2008 or Why Did I Read That??, 23-VIII-2008 or Seen On T-shirt, 26-VIII-2008 or Furious Ranting (nfsw), 1-X-2008 or Song Crush!, 2-X-2008 or Oh, YEAH!, 21-X-2008 or Hello, Facebook!, 24-X-2008 or GOO Con, Here I Am/Be!, 28-X-2008 or Post Con Report, 4-XI-2008 or Historic Vote, 5-XI-2008 or Mentiroso!, 22-XII-2008 or I am dumb., 12-I-2009 or 1337?, 20-I-2009 or Aaron misses the point?, 12-II-2009 or Say What Now?, 19/20-II-2009 or Guilty Pleasures, 7-IV-2009 or Back In Action, Random Thought, 30-VI-2009 or Is it wrong to be happy?, 14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??, 12-VII-2009 or Dance With The Dead In My Dreams, 14-VIII-2009 or It's OK, 16-IX-2009 or Behind The Scenes (GE), Today or What? I'm Drunk!, 8-X-2009 or ...Aaaand I'm Out., 14-X-2009 or ...Aaaand I'm Back, 25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report, 27-X-2009 or Linking For Great Justice!, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 21-XI-2009 or *sigh*, 8-II-2010 or *sigh*, 28-V-2010 or The Price, Hey!, Writers Block, 19-XI-2010, 5-XI-2012 or Self Indulgent Crap, 13-VII-2014 or What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life, 9-VIII-2015 or I Am A Terrible Person, 15-V-2016 or OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!, Here We Go Again, 10-VII-2017 or Petty Vengeance, Things I Learned From the People's Choice Awards 2018, 24-VI-2019 or Your move!, 25-VI-2019 or The Spotted Menace!, 26-VI-2019 or NUFFLE!!!, 27-VI-2019 or Savage Meme, Bonus post: Things I Think I Think, 09-VII-2019 or Look out, spicy bois!, 13-VII-2019 or Inappropriate Humor, 21-VII-2019 or Now picture me eating every single one of those fifty gross, sticky hot dogs!, 26-VIII-2019 or Shame!, 15-II-2021 or Not Gonna Do It!, 8-VIII-2021 or I know! I was shocked too!!, and 2-IX-2021 or Seriously??.
Aaron has written 1279 comments in these 1274 discussions: Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, show all »Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Air Head, Here I Come...I Guess, America the Oddly Beautiful, Here I Come...I Guess, Here I Come...I Guess, Today's Goo, Today's Goo, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Here I Come...I Guess, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Here I Come...I Guess, Scott's Pet Peeve #2619, Here I Come...I Guess, I Hate Snow, I Hate Snow, Here I Come...I Guess, D+D = Psychologist?, Guess Again if You Guess One Again, Super Size Me, Euthanasia, Super Size Me, Ban This, What's So Funny?, What's So Funny?, Ban This, Super Size Me, Ban This, Summer Movie Season, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, Tom Delay vs. the Judiciary, D+D = Psychologist?, Television Zombies?, Time Capsules 'r Us, Time Capsules 'r Us, What's Wrong with Me?, Stubborn, The Cheat is in Trouble, Scrapegoat, The Cheat is in Trouble, Ein Kind Der Kunst, Ein Kind Der Kunst, Ein Kind Der Kunst, B Negative, B Negative, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Barzani or Talabani?, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, Not Another Medium!!!, More Negative Views of Role-Playing, Trouble in the Garden State, That's Hot?, That's Hot?, Four True Things, Four True Things, "Don't I Know You from Somewhere?" Week, Really Old Style Addictive Game, Really Old Style Addictive Game, Evolution of One, Evolution of One, Rockin Trend in Advertising, Rockin Trend in Advertising, The Decline of Western Civilization as Measured in Greeting Cards, Rockin Trend in Advertising, Hot Coffee, The Decline of Western Civilization as Measured in Greeting Cards, People Piss Me Off, How to Get a Government Research Grant, How to Get a Government Research Grant, Personal Listenings, Personal Listenings, Personal Listenings, Personal Listenings, I Don't Even Know What to Say to This, I Don't Even Know What to Say to This, Ophelia Broke My Crown and Took My Power!, Firefly, Firefly, Lion-O, Lion-O, Firefly, Clearing the Field, Late-Night Observations: Is It Just Me, Or...???, Late-Night Observations: Is It Just Me, Or...???, Big Man, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Perpetuating the Anime Stereotype, Big Man, Oiling the Squeaky Wheels of Childhood, Green Puppy, The Holiday Season, Movies to See!, Unabandoned, Feeding Frenzy in Aisle Five!, Feeding Frenzy in Aisle Five!, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Controversial Conversation: Proceed with Caution, Lexus Be Serious, Happy Holidays to All, We Love the Chronic...les of Narnia, Goddamn Women, Goo Game / TC Crossovers, Happy Birthday, Amy, Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Congress vs. the Trolls...., Names That Rock, Useless Goo Discussion, Useless Goo Discussion, Useless Goo Discussion, Quick Celebrity Poll, Spammers - Had Any Recent Dealings with Them?, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Every Picture Tells a Story, Coming Attractions, Coming Attractions, Work Work Work, Exercise Your Music Muscle, Work Work Work, Work Work Work, Work Work Work, Trends That Suck/Kick Ass, Work Work Work, The Apocalypse is Here, Here is How I Know, Happy Birthday Scott!, Getting Anxious/Excited!, Getting Anxious/Excited!, Chicago!, The Official I'm Traveling Here and I'd Like to Meet TCers in Person Thread, The Official I'm Traveling Here and I'd Like to Meet TCers in Person Thread, When in Doubt, Blame Teens, Revenge of the Goo, goo.tc, Nerd Out, Nerd Out, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Stadium Arcadium, Stadium Arcadium, Nerd Out, Nerd Out, Dude You Have Sex with Children!!, Nerd Out, Nerd Out, Stadium Arcadium, Saving Scottie Ho, Duh, goo.tc, Comedy and Gender Politics, Gay Marriage, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Saving Scottie Ho, Comedy and Gender Politics, Gay Marriage, Duh, "The Big One" Maybe..., The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Comedy and Gender Politics, The Have WMDs and the Have Not WMDs, Twisted Ice Cream, Angry E Mailers Demand Action, Making the Game, Military & War (0804), Is This Where We Have Gotten To?!, Military & War (0804), Is This Where We Have Gotten To?!, Military & War (0804), I Know You're on Vacation, But..., What are They Smoking?, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., World War Z, I Know You're on Vacation, But..., I Know You're on Vacation, But..., I Know You're on Vacation, But..., Goo 0486, Chasing Chávez, Goo 0486, Chicago is Fun! I Need Help!, Goo Game...Where are We?, Goo Game...Where are We?, Goo Game...Where are We?, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Goo Game...Where are We?, No More Laundry, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Goo Game...Where are We?, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Chicago is Fun! I Need Help!, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Six-Legged Lunch at Six Flags, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, Chicago is Fun! I Need Help!, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Eventual One-Hit Wonders, The History of goo.tc, No More Laundry, Goo Game...Where are We?, Happy Birthday, Kris!, The Nietzsche Family Circus, Happy Birthday Anna!, More Shootings Avoided, The Internet is for Porn, The Scavenger Hunt of the Century, Pumpkin Time, The Ultimate Discussion, Tsunami Aid Increase????, The Ultimate Discussion, When There's Not a Dog Handy..., On DVD from New York, It's Saturday Night, When There's Not a Dog Handy..., Tsunami Aid Increase????, Freedom Fat, The Ultimate Discussion, Yo, Adrian, The Ultimate Discussion, 10 Random Things I Learned in 2006, Awwwwwwww, Yeaaaaaahhh!!!, Awwwwwwww, Yeaaaaaahhh!!!, Re-Opening an Old Topic..., Sheryl Swoopes - Womanizing?, Clinton the Second, Oscars 2007, Oscars 2007, Justice Not So Blind, Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Justice Not So Blind, Oscars 2007, Finding Yourself, You May Be a Dork If..., You May Be a Dork If..., I Strenuously Object..., Death Penalty, Death Penalty, Largo Embargo, "My Sweet Lord", "My Sweet Lord", Damn You, Goo Game, Going to the Movies, "My Sweet Lord", "My Sweet Lord", "My Sweet Lord", What Happened to Obsessions?, The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, "My Sweet Lord", The Passion of a Drunken Mel Gibson, Weird Weight Loss Trends, "My Sweet Lord", Interesting Videos.....Or Whatever, Weird Weight Loss Trends, School Terror in Virginia, Easy as A-B-D, Disk Golf, School Terror in Virginia, Gay Marriage, School Terror in Virginia, Got Road Rage?, The Privileges of Royalty, Adventures in Redneckery, The Privileges of Royalty, Happy Birthday, Scott!, Place Your Bets, Year Zero, Words of Wisdom, I'm #14!!, I'm #14!!, I am #13, Bitches!!!!, I'm #14!!, I'm #14!!, I'm #14!!, I am #13, Bitches!!!!, One Hit Wasn't Enough for These Wonders, I am #13, Bitches!!!!, Hasta La Vista, Cultural Blind Spots, Cultural Blind Spots, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, 25th Amendment, Cultural Blind Spots, Rahodeb, Round XXX Tournament, Round XXX Tournament, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, Round XXX Tournament, Key to a Good Marriage? Share Housework, An Amazing Occurrence, An Amazing Occurrence, An Amazing Occurrence, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, An Amazing Occurrence, Rock Block, An Amazing Occurrence, An Amazing Occurrence, Rock Block, Rock Block, An Amazing Occurrence, Rock Block, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Rock Block, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, An Amazing Occurrence, Rock Block, An Amazing Occurrence, An Amazing Occurrence, Rock Block, Pay for Play, Rock Block, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Rock Block, Rock Block, Pay for Play, Pay for Play, Rock Block, Pay for Play, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, No Brainer, Brand Name Brainwash, Rock Block, No Brainer, No Brainer, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Rock Block, No Brainer, Rock Block, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Rock Block, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Rock Block, Losing a Card with Prior Knowledge, Soda, Definitely Soda, An Amazing Occurrence, Soda, Definitely Soda, Rock Block, Soda, Definitely Soda, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Pay for Play, Pay for Play, Rock Block, Pay for Play, Soda, Definitely Soda, Rock Block, Rock Block, Rock Block, Supercentena-What-Now?, Rock Block, For Those About to Rock, We Salute You, Rock Block, Rock Block, For Those About to Rock, We Salute You, Haunted House, Pay for Play, Pay for Play, Face Recognition, Face Recognition, Face Recognition, For Those About to Rock, We Salute You, Weekly Reader?, Rock Block, Sequel Wishlist, Rock Block, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, RB21, Happy Birthday Aaron, Heaven & Hell, RB21, RB Achievements, System Failure, System Failure, Robert Jordan, Robert Jordan, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, Robert Jordan, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, Who Said That Week, Who Said That Week, RB Achievements, Who Said That Week, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, Nothing Sacred... All Purpose Family Guy Discussion, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, The Tommy Westphall Universe, RB21, Mashups Waiting to Happen, Who Said That Week, Who Said That Week, Mashups Waiting to Happen, Mashups Waiting to Happen, RB Achievements, Who Said That Week, Who Said That Week, RB Achievements, Who Said That Week, Who Said That Week, Who Said That Week, RB Achievements, College Football, College Football, RB Achievements, Round XXXI Tournament, RB Achievements, RB21, RB21, RB Achievements, Round XXXI Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, RB21, Round XXXI Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Round XXXI Tournament, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Round XXXI Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, Round XXXI Tournament, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Mashups Waiting to Happen, Round XXXI Tournament, Looking for RB Trades..., Insider Tips, What is So Funny About That?!?!, Insider Tips, Insider Tips, Round XXXI Tournament, Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Insider Tips, Insider Tips, Insider Tips, Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Very Short Stories, Plot Summaries in Movie Reviews?, Looking for RB Trades..., Looking for RB Trades..., Jail Break, Looking for RB Trades..., Looking for RB Trades..., Anarchy in the R.B., Anarchy in the R.B., Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), I Think We Should All Do This, Happy Birthday, Kris!, Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), For Those About to Rock, We Salute You, Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Ghost Stories, Wooo... Someone Stole My Mojo!, Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Birthday Cards (Not the Hallmark Kind), Wooo... Someone Stole My Mojo!, Ghost Stories, Ghost Stories, Ghost Stories, Free Parking, Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity, That Seems Familiar...And Heroes!, That Seems Familiar...And Heroes!, Free Parking, Cancer Risks: An Article to Scare Everyone, Free Parking, Skanked Out Halloween Costumes, Skanked Out Halloween Costumes, Skanked Out Halloween Costumes, Politics are Not My Strong Point, RB Achievements, RB Achievements, Politics are Not My Strong Point, Politics are Not My Strong Point, Happy Birthday, Russ!, College Football, Goo 1133, Goo 1133, Happy Birthday, Anna!, No Goo Tonight, Happy Birthday, Mihai!!!, RB Achievements, Happy Birthday, Rhonda!, RB Achievements, Block Party II: Cold Turkey, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Block Party II: Cold Turkey, Block Party II: Cold Turkey, Looking for RB Trades..., Looking for RB Trades..., Block Party II: Cold Turkey, Block Party II: Cold Turkey, Looking for RB Trades..., Block Party II: Cold Turkey, Looking for RB Trades..., Block Party II: Cold Turkey, Looking for RB Trades..., Ricochet, College Football, Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise?, Happy Birthday Dave, Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise?, Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise?, Happy Birthday, Jojo!, Ricochet, College Football, New RB Rule Idea..., Crime, New RB Rule Idea..., Poll, Goo 1157, Pop Quiz, Round XXXII Tournament, The Eww Factor, Anarchy in the R.B., Happy Holidays!!!, Time for a Good Gripe of Things That Have Pissed Me Off in the Last Year, The Baseball Drug Question, Time for a Good Gripe of Things That Have Pissed Me Off in the Last Year, Happy Birthday Amy, Go G-Men!!!, Oscar Season, Go G-Men!!!, Another One Bites the Dust, A More Secure TC?, Oscar Season, Another One Bites the Dust, Looking for RB Trades..., Compliment Chain, The Scott Hardie Appreciation Thread, Compliment Chain, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, A Different Pepsi Challenge, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, A New Game, A New Game, Compliment Chain, Happy Tenth, Goo Game, Oscar Season, Don't Fly American Airlines, Not Keeping the Faith, A New Game, A New Game, Guess He Rolled a 1..., Guess He Rolled a 1..., Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Round XXXIII Tournament, GooCon: Siesta Key, Assignment: 100 Movie Moments, Only in Florida, Only in Florida, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, Another One Bites the Dust, Another One Bites the Dust, Super Goo, Super Goo, Block Party III: Rock Around the Clock, Block Party III: Rock Around the Clock, Block Party III: Rock Around the Clock, NCAA Final Four, Steve West's Avatar, Happy Birthday, Jackie!, The New Old Stone Temple Pilots, The New Old Stone Temple Pilots, Block Party III: Rock Around the Clock, Block Party III: Rock Around the Clock, Themed Concerts, Themed Concerts, Themed Concerts, Block Party III: Rock Around the Clock, Themed Concerts, Previous Life Skills, GooCon: Siesta Key, Happy Birthday Justin, Music (1222), Music (1222), As I Mature I've Learned That..., Stupid is as Stupid Does, The Dark Knight, GooCon: Siesta Key, Trespasser, Round XXXIV Tournament, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, Summer Events and Concerts, Round XXXIV Tournament, RB: Risk and Reward, Happy Anniversary of Matt's Birth, Round XXXIV Tournament, RB: Risk and Reward, Are Airline Passengers Freight?, Song Crush, Should We Get into D&D?, Should We Get into D&D?, For All Debts Public and Private, Should We Get into D&D?, Should We Get into D&D?, How Many Months Until November is It Again?, Dashboard, Happy Birthday Steve!, Back to School, Back to School, Your Debut Album, Rock Block Rookie Observations, Your Debut Album, First Time Goo..., GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, The Wordle Challenge, The Wordle Challenge, A Loosing Battle, The Wordle Challenge, GooCon: Siesta Key, Friends, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, GooCon: Siesta Key, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, GooCon: Siesta Key, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, Political Clichés, GooCon: Siesta Key, Democratic Party Crashers, Political Clichés, Round XXXV Tournament, And Then the Fight Started..., Democratic Party Crashers, Democratic Party Crashers, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Democratic Party Crashers, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Happy Birthday Aaron, Happy Birthday Aaron, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Happy Birthday Aaron, An Alternative View on Politics..., Has "Hot" Lost All Meaning?, Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!, Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!, Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!, Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!, Rock Block Old Guard!, Party Time, Rock Block Old Guard!, Goo Beta, Happy Kelly-Lee Day, GooCon: Siesta Key, RB: Write-In Poll, RB: Write-In Poll, RB: Write-In Poll, RB: Write-In Poll, Happy Happy Joy Joy, He's on Fy-Ahhhh!!!, Rock Block Trades?, RB: Write-In Poll, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, He's on Fy-Ahhhh!!!, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, Caption Contest, Rock Block Trades?, Caption Contest, Rock Block Trades?, Rock Block Trades?, Caption Contest, Caption Contest, Ms. 1000, Ms. 1000, GooCon: Siesta Key, Ms. 1000, GooCon: Siesta Key, GooCon: Siesta Key, President Obama, GooCon: Siesta Key, A Little Lost, GooCon: Siesta Key, Gay Marriage, Song Crush, Song Crush, Happy Birthday, Jojo!, Long Distance Post, Rock Block Etiquette, Rock Block Etiquette, Rock Block Etiquette, Rock Block Etiquette, Rock Block Etiquette, College Football, Contest Cravings, Christmas Customs, Happy Birthday to Mike!, President Obama, Happy Birthday, Amy, I am #13, Bitches!!!!, Rock Block Etiquette, "Shall We Play a Game?", "Shall We Play a Game?", Goo Q, "Shall We Play a Game?", "Shall We Play a Game?", "Shall We Play a Game?", Matthew Preston - Newest 1000 Goo Guess Club Member, "Shall We Play a Game?", It's 10pm. Do You Know Where Your Athletes Are?, It's 10pm. Do You Know Where Your Athletes Are?, It's 10pm. Do You Know Where Your Athletes Are?, 1000..., It's 10pm. Do You Know Where Your Athletes Are?, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, GooCon Game Guesses!, GooCon Game Guesses!, GooCon Game Guesses!, "Shall We Play a Game?", GooCon Game Guesses!, Needs, The Ten Best Films of 2008 That I Saw, Naked Controversy, Naked Controversy, Happy Tenth, Goo Game, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, Song Crush, Song Crush, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Happy Birthday Denise, GooCon Game Guesses!, GooCon Game Guesses!, Anarchy in the R.B., Happy Birthday, Jackie!, Anarchy in the R.B., GooCon Game Guesses!, Life is Getting Worse for All the Little Piggies..., Objectivism and the GOP, GooCon Game Guesses!, Random RB Question and Comment, Sonic, Random RB Question and Comment, GooCon Game Guesses!, Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Advertising Annoyances, Happy Birthday, Scott!!, Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Happy Birthday Scott Ho!, GooCon Game Guesses!, Happy Birthday Dave, Bookmarking Social, Themed Concerts, Happy Birthday Steve!, What About Demotions?, What About Demotions?, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, Holy Cow!!, Holy Cow!!, Holy Cow!!, It's Somebody's Birthday, Gothic Earth, Running Up the Down Escalator to Heaven (RB), Happy Birthday!!, Running Up the Down Escalator to Heaven (RB), Running Up the Down Escalator to Heaven (RB), Fantasy Football, Mazel Tov, Is This Funny?, Declawing Cats, Declawing Cats, Stairway to Heaven (RB), Happy Birthday Aaron, Baseball and the Pirates, RB: The Next Greatest, RB: The Next Greatest, RB: The Next Greatest, RB: The Next Greatest, RB: The Next Greatest, Happy Birthday Aaron, Happy Birthday, Goo: Towers, Halloween Costumes, Happy Birthday!!, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Happy Birthday Chris, Stairway to Heaven (RB), Stairway to Heaven (RB), Goo: Towers, Curiouser, Curiouser, Curiouser, RB: The Next Greatest, Curiouser, Stairway to Heaven (RB), Happy Birthday Chris, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, Happy Birthday, Aaron Shurtleff Hates America, Aaron Shurtleff Hates America, Aaron Shurtleff Hates America, Aaron Shurtleff Hates America, Did Someone Say Special?, Did Someone Say Special?, Happy Birthday, Kris!, Happy Anniversary, goo.tc!!, Goo: Towers, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, GooCon: Citrus Ridge, Miah! Birthday!!!, Did Someone Say Special?, Did Someone Say Special?, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, The Gathering Storm, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, The Gathering Storm, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, Tombstones of the Rich and Famous, Hello, I'm Mr. Burns, Anyone Else Dressing Up This Year?, Anyone Else Dressing Up This Year?, Happy Birthday, Russ!, Veteran's Day, I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack, Song Crush, Black Friday Experiences, Black Friday Experiences, Black Friday Experiences, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Random RB Question and Comment, Goo: Towers, Happy Birthday to Mike!, Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Amy, Happy Birthday, Super Bowl XLIV, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Goo: Towers, Super Bowl XLIV, Super Bowl XLIV, Gefeliciteerd, Goo: Towers, Hall of Fame, Hall of Fame, That's What She Said, Hall of Fame, Hall of Fame, Hall of Fame, Goo: Towers, Sweet Home Chicago, Happy Birthday Lori!!!, Goo: Towers, Happy Birthday Denise, GooCon Scenarios, Promotion Poll, The Bully Taxonomy, Happy Birthday, Nadine!, Happy Birthday, Jackie!, Happy Birthday Justin, Double Down, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, RB - Level 10 Card Guesses?, Goo: Towers, Happy Birthday Scott!, You Have Got to Be Kidding Me, New Eating Disorder: French Fries and Plain Spaghetti, Hella Unlikely, Happy Birthday Steve!, Happy Anniversary of Matt's Birth, Time to Mix Up the Menu!, Begging for the Sake of Begging!!!, Blessed Be the Comicbook Fans and the Cosplayers, Important New Study!!!, Important New Study!!!, Happy Birthday Chief, Happy Birthday, You Have Got to Be Kidding Me, You Have Got to Be Kidding Me, Ten Years Ago, GooCon: Champions Gate, Jacquelyn Robinson, Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Did You Vote Yet?, Did You Vote Yet?, Did You Vote Yet?, Did You Vote Yet?, You Say Potato, I Say... Whaaat???, Have You Actually Read Any of These?, Piranha Bait, Happy Birthday, Nadine!, Happy Birthday Aaron, Happy Birthday Aaron, Happy Birthday Aaron, The Next R10, Aaron Needs to See This Right Now, Science Triumphs Just in Time, Science Triumphs Just in Time, Birthday Wishes, Halloween Costumes, Like a Rolling Stone (RB), Happy Birthday Kelly!, Happy Birthday, Chris, GooCon: Champions Gate, GooCon: Champions Gate, Road Map to Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Happy Birthday Erik, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Road Map to Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Happy Birthday Ryan, The Great Pirate Base Image Swap, Pirate Paradise, Happy Birthday Steve Dunn, Happy Birthday Steve Dunn, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Nobody Likes Mitt Romney, Nobody Likes Mitt Romney, Pirate Paradise, Oscars 2012, Presidential Pipes, Christening, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, I Love You... Very Much... Yeah?, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, Pirate Paradise, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, The Best Best, Winter 2012 Goo Tournament Commentary, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Beginner Brackets, Beginner Brackets, A Bowling I Will Go a Bowling I Will Go, Pirate Paradise, Pirate Paradise, Leaderboard, Leaderboard, We Suck, Hipster Racism, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, Pirate Paradise, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, The Round is Still Perfect, Happy Birthday Scott, The Round is Still Perfect, You Have Got to Be Kidding Me, Pirate Paradise, Luck of the Draw, Happy Birthday Steve West, Happy Birthday Richard, Luck of the Draw, Luck of the Draw, Starting a New Club, Zombified, Zombified, Zombified, Happy Birthday Erik, Happy Birthday Aaron, Happy Birthday Aaron, October 27, 1996, October 27, 1996, Here Comes the Election!, Leslie Knope in 2012, Leslie Knope in 2012, Here Comes the Election!, Here Comes the Election!, Happy Birthday, Feats, Feats, Feats, Fall 2012 Tournament, Fall 2012 Tournament, Fall 2012 Tournament, Fall 2012 Tournament, Wrath of Circe, Wrath of Circe, Happy Birthday, Wrath of Circe, Best Movies of 2013, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, Best Movies of 2013, Turning Japanese, Ferguson, Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Rock and Roll, Long Live Rock and Roll, Turning Japanese, FOOTBALL!!, Long Live Rock and Roll, Let's Rock, Let's Rock, Turning Japanese, Let's Rock, Let's Rock, Let's Rock, Let's Rock, Let's Rock, Long Live Rock and Roll, FOOTBALL!!, Variable Values, Drawn and Halved, Drawn and Halved, Drawn and Halved, Drawn and Halved, Born to Lose, Sad Sad Song, FOOTBALL!!, FOOTBALL!!, State of the Site: May 2015, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, Happy Birthday Scott, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, Burger Time, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, The Final Countdown, Fall TV, The Final Countdown, Burger Time, Naturally Delicious, You Say Tomato, You Say Tomato, Out of the Dungeon, Jeb, Long Live the '90s, Career Origins, Mr. and Ms. Restaurant, 2016 in 2015, Oscars 2016, Help Me Stop Being a Jerk?, Oscars 2016, Rockin' Robin, Help Me Stop Being a Jerk?, Making a Murderer, Making a Murderer, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Oscars 2016, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, 2016, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Rockin' Robin, Star Swap, Happy Birthday Scott, The Outsiders, Happy Birthday Steve, Sunk, Prest-O Change-O, Third Party, Hillary, Trump Reconsidered, Trump Reconsidered, Flavor Unfavorable, Another World, Another Life, Another World, Another Life, Scott's Pet Peeve #1753, R.I.P. Chris Cornell, No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die., Sharing is Overbearing, Spring 2017, Double Jeopardy, Nom de Whom, In the Shadow of the Moon, The Bird's the Word, Football 2017, A Confederacy of Dunces, A Confederacy of Dunces, Football 2017, Football 2017, Badges, The Bird's the Word, The Bird's the Word, The Bird's the Word, Erik, You Monster!, Erik, You Monster!, The Bird's the Word, Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Discovery, The Bird's the Word, Happy Birthday, Chris!, The Bird's the Word, Why Did You Watch Iron Fist and Why Did I?, I Still Need Explanations, I Still Need Explanations, Football 2018, Football 2018, Football 2018, Popular Picture, Football 2018, Shoot to Thrill, Shoot to Thrill, Decidedly Undecided, Collectors and Swift Solutions, Alabama Justice, Collectors and Swift Solutions, Collectors and Swift Solutions, Collectors and Swift Solutions, Football 2019, Unpopular Opinions, On the QT, This is Halloween, On the QT, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Football 2019, Football 2019, Winter 2021, Winter 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2021, Happy Birthday, Aaron!, Change a Band Name Using One Letter, Change a Band Name Using One Letter, Milton, Merry Christmas 2024, Rich Gets Richer, Tune in to Find Out What Happens Next, and Wack to the Future.
Aaron wrote 309 replies to these 300 blog posts: Yay, a blog!, Dumb Question, 3-VIII-2006 or Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em!, show all »Yay, a blog!, Dumb Question, 3-VIII-2006 or Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em!, Like the first census in China, 3-VIII-2006 or Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em!, 7-VIII-2006 or Pants off Dance off!, A Pet Peeve That's Actually About My Pet, How do you know if you have food poisoning?, Not-So-Confidential to My Gaming Group, Sox Beat The Yankees, "The Human Condition", 10-VII-2006 or Thinking too hard, 7-VIII-2006 or Pants off Dance off!, Where the Hell I Have Been All Year, Part II, Collaborative Theatre with Irrational Actors, The attraction of shoujo anime or otherwise known as "Why there is a Sailor Bubba", "And I'll form the Head", The attraction of shoujo anime or otherwise known as "Why there is a Sailor Bubba", "And I'll form the Head", Like, Real Gone, Daddy-O, Crawlspace, Off To Italy...Ciao!, silly quiz, Negative Attention, Milwaukee's Best, Notes from Milwaukee So Far, TC Dreamin', More Than Meets the Eye, False Hope, holiday ruined, Frustrated, HAIR!, 20-X-2006 or Peer Pressure, Rolling Revisionism, 27-X-2006 or There's still a feeling of rejection..., 3-XI-2006 or Do Not Drink Alcoholic Beverages When Taking This Medicine, Constructible Comedy, The Weekend of Soup, Mile-High Hypocrisy, 4-XII-2006, or The One About Mythbusters, PS3: First Impressions, 13-XII-2006, or MMPI has nothing to do with Tom Selleck, Humbug 4 Life, Happy Freakin' Holidays, 22-XII-2006, or Time to set the auto-reply!, Not to Be Confused with Denise Sawicki, 8-I-2007 or Mid-week Madness!!!, Tylor is My Co-Pilot, 13-XII-2006, or MMPI has nothing to do with Tom Selleck, 19-I-2007 or And now for something completely different, Ten Best of 2006, 24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!, 24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!, 2-II-2007, or, I'm fine, thanks!, 2-II-2007, or, I'm fine, thanks!, Devilin', Found things, jerkishness, fuzziness, This is Me Getting On With My Life, Upsetting the Pace, You Won't See This in the Goo Game, 29-III-2007 or But you can't stop this, ya narcissist! :P, Totally Left Field, Left Field: Redux, Scottish Highlands, 25-IV-2007 or Ze pearl is in ze river, 21-V-2007 or Has it been a month already?, #14 with a bullet., #14 with a bullet., Future Cosplay Plans, Fantastic, The Time Has Come, Windbag, Scooter, Not Exactly Red Hot, 16-VII-2007 or Here I Go Again, 17-VII-2007 or To See Or Not To See...(SPOILERS?), 16-VII-2007 or Here I Go Again, 17-VII-2007 or To See Or Not To See...(SPOILERS?), Andy Dick Killed Phil Hartman?, 2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo..., 2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo..., 2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo..., Future Cosplay Plans part Deux, Sweet, 2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo..., 4-VIII-2007 or Short and Sweet, Bummer, Aaron..., 27-VIII-2007 or Where Is My Mind?, Hungry Hungry Kitty, Fansubbing for an audience of 5, Fangirl JP and Engrish, Pass Out Drunk And Still Be The Life Of The Party, Halloween Post #1: Too Early For Halloween?, Where's Aaron Shurtleff?, Where's Aaron Shurtleff?, Painful Life = Even More Painful Dreams..., Watashi wa Otaku desu, Painful Life = Even More Painful Dreams..., Wish me luck, 24/25-X-2007 or That's What I Get..., 24/25-X-2007 or That's What I Get..., What is this world coming to?, Durante Made A Living With That Nose, Random Pet Peeve: Pronunciation, 24/25-X-2007 or That's What I Get..., PIMP, Christmas Post #3: Syphilis For Christmas, Some Anniversaries Are More Memorable Than Others, Manga, Reviews and Cosplay! Oh My!, What's Funnier Than a Heart Attack?, Stupid stuff, Christmas Post #12: Sorry About That Chief, Help me please!, Damned Scammers, Weird Stuff, Christmas Post #17: Gadgets &Stuff, 5-XII-2007 or I Think I Need a Break, WLW: Can't, Vanity, 5-XII-2007 or I Think I Need a Break, 5-XII-2007 or I Think I Need a Break, Such As It Is..., Such As It Is..., What I Did on My Christmas Vacation, Bill$, 21 Days, Snowbound, Moved In, 8-II-2008 or No way! Not on your life!, Annoying, Little Hoover Dam Break, 4-III-2008 or I Kick Ass For The Lord!, 4-III-2008 or I Kick Ass For The Lord!, 24&25-III-2008 or It's probably too late to post..., I'm posting a lot, I'll Have The Misogyny Au Gratin, Please, 17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen..., 17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen..., It's 419, Do You Know Where Your Dealer Is?, 19-IV-2008 or Short But Sweet, Test, Test, It's 419, Do You Know Where Your Dealer Is?, 6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon, 6-V-2008 or I Fell Off The Wagon, 11-V-2008 or Oh, You Won't Like This..., Haircuts and dandelions, Free Bird, Emotional Throw Up, 4-VI-2008 or I want to write, but I must sleep, Deja vu: Anime Theme Song with a Bowie and Blues Brothers twist? + Question, 4-VI-2008 or I want to write, but I must sleep, I've seen the writing on the wall..., I've seen the writing on the wall..., The Morton Salt Girl's Got Nothing On Me!, 2-VII-2008 or Quick Hits, D&D first impressions, D&D first impressions, 12-VII-2008 or Furious Ranting, 12-VII-2008 or Furious Ranting, Rock Block Parallel #1: Animal Farm, Long long break, 12-VII-2008 or Furious Ranting, 12-VII-2008 or Furious Ranting, 17-VII-2008 or Severed Penises!!!, 17-VII-2008 or Severed Penises!!!, 28-VII-2008 or Why Did I Read That??, Virtual records of Days Gone Past ~or~ Everyones got something to hide up on youtube except for me and my Monkey..., The Stars Shine Bright..., 26-VIII-2008 or Furious Ranting (nfsw), Amazon Appreciation, 26-VIII-2008 or Furious Ranting (nfsw), Back to School Night, More Nerd Humor, Action Hero?, Action Hero?, Pain on a whole new level, I guess healing requires sleep, I hate Snakes: Epic Movie Scores, Halloween Plans and Costumes, I Hate Dentists At Halloween, 21-X-2008 or Hello, Facebook!, 21-X-2008 or Hello, Facebook!, 24-X-2008 or GOO Con, Here I Am/Be!, GooCon: Siesta Key, 24-X-2008 or GOO Con, Here I Am/Be!, GooCon: Siesta Key, 28-X-2008 or Post Con Report, Screw the Braden River Post Office, New adventures in Pain..., Everybody Loves George, GQ: 3 for the Ladies, 1 for the Gay Guys, Overheard While Shopping for Birthday Cards, Hello, Santa Claus Can Kiss My Ass, Have I Mentioned How Much I Love My Wife?, 22-XII-2008 or I am dumb., Have I Mentioned How Much I Love My Wife?, De-Gifting, Have I Mentioned How Much I Love My Wife?, Have I Mentioned How Much I Love My Wife?, 22-XII-2008 or I am dumb., De-Gifting, Have I Mentioned How Much I Love My Wife?, 12-I-2009 or 1337?, animals are family, Victorian inspired rooms and furniture avalibility, 12-II-2009 or Say What Now?, 12-II-2009 or Say What Now?, For Your Consideration..., For Your Consideration..., For Your Consideration..., For Your Consideration..., For Your Consideration..., 19/20-II-2009 or Guilty Pleasures, 19/20-II-2009 or Guilty Pleasures, 'Black and White Ecstasy', 7-IV-2009 or Back In Action, Random Thought, Random Thought, Hair's The Thing, Blogging, Givin' It Up To The Man, Operation Chillax, Downtown Disney, Gourry, How to Get on My Bad Side, My Dinner with Amy, My Dinner with Amy, My Dinner with Amy, Post-Delaware Staycation, 14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??, 14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??, 14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??, 14-VIII-2009 or It's OK, 14-VIII-2009 or It's OK, Steve's Supermarket Adventure, Happiness, That's My Livelihood, Greatcoat, 16-IX-2009 or Behind The Scenes (GE), 16-IX-2009 or Behind The Scenes (GE), Crying in Baseball, I guess I'll chime in... again., Al Jolsen Meets The Handmaid's Tale, New Baby Upstairs, Scott's Razor, 14-X-2009 or ...Aaaand I'm Back, 25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report, 25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report, 25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report, 25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report, 27-X-2009 or Linking For Great Justice!, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, Reflections on Goo Con, Reflections on Goo Con, Reflections on Goo Con, Reflections on Goo Con, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, 28-X-2009 or Finale/FAg Expo, "Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid/Unspoken", Special Olympics, Steve's Supermarket Adventure (Cont'd), Season's Eatings!, Oh hey, I'm employed., It's That Time Of Year, What Are We Gonna Do? Road Trip., Day 14, Haute cuisine, 8-II-2010 or *sigh*, What Is This, Miami Beach?, What Is This, Miami Beach?, Life and complexity, Crazy day, Just In Time For Voting, As The Firm Sang - I'm Radioactive, Crazy For You, Baby, I Am A Marketing Genius, 13-VII-2014 or What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life, 13-VII-2014 or What The Hell Am I Doing With My Life, I Am Not Larry David, Summer of Suck, Here We Go Again, 24-VI-2019 or Your move!, 9-VIII-2015 or I Am A Terrible Person, 9-VIII-2015 or I Am A Terrible Person, 25-VI-2019 or The Spotted Menace!, 26-VI-2019 or NUFFLE!!!, 09-VII-2019 or Look out, spicy bois!, No Disrespect, 21-VII-2019 or Now picture me eating every single one of those fifty gross, sticky hot dogs!, 15-II-2021 or Not Gonna Do It!, 15-II-2021 or Not Gonna Do It!, 2-IX-2021 or Seriously??, 2-IX-2021 or Seriously??, and Open Letter to a Lab Technician at Manatee Memorial Hospital.
Aaron participated in the 2019 Football, 2018 Football, and 2017 Football seasons of the Funeratic Fantasy League.