Anna Gregoline | March 12, 2003
A fascinating article about a woman in a wheelchair and her thoughts about Prof. Peter Singer, a man who "wants to legalize the killing of certain babies who might come to be like me if allowed to live. He also says he believes that it should be lawful under some circumstances to kill, at any age, individuals with cognitive impairments so severe that he doesn't consider them ''persons.'' What does it take to be a person? Awareness of your own existence in time. The capacity to harbor preferences as to the future, including the preference for continuing to live" (For an extensive selection of his writing and views, go here).These are certainly tough issues - if we allow the killing of "certain" individuals, where does it stop? However, I've felt that medical science frequently goes too far in keeping people alive. I'd like to hear this community's response to this article.

Aaron Fischer | March 12, 2003
Problem Solved: Give guns to unborn children :)

Lori Lancaster | March 12, 2003
[hidden by request]

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