Aaron Fischer

Aaron wrote 45 comments in these 45 discussions: Most Embarrassing State, 27 Views on War, and Counting, 27 Views on War, and Counting, $2, Unspeakable Conversations, Why Do Atheists Care?, 27 Views on War, and Counting, 24, the Second Season, School Newspapers, and the Idiots That Run Them, Vote at 16, Best Car Commercial Ever?, Power is Restored, Roy Gorged, Freedom of Sales Pitch, Saddam's Capture, Saddam's Capture, Gun Control Views, Caption Contest, Is Anyone Like Me?, Pardon Me, Student Teaching Woes, Using Animals as Art, Using Animals as Art, Guess Again if You Guess One Again, Tech Support, Tech Support, Tech Support, B-Day, Wendy Kidnapped Mike!!!!, Retirement!!!, Rotten to the Corps, Justice Not Served, That's Hot?, Revenge of the Sith, Four True Things, Hmmm... Creative Precaution or Chic Fashion Statement?, Music (0558), "Don't I Know You from Somewhere?" Week, Four True Things, A Grump Considers the Slump, Goo 0582, Music (0571), (0586), The Da Vinci Code, and Brandy is Good.