Guns are Not Really a Laughing Matter
by Steve West on March 2, 2013

Recent conversation with Brenda.
Brenda: What would be the hardest thing for you to give up for Lent?
Me: Shooting guns.
Brenda: But you don't shoot.
Me: But I have the most realistic dreams. I rescue POW's like Stallone, I kill evil dictators with a sniper shot from a mile away like Jack Reacher, I perform quick draws and shoot the bad guy like Saturday westerns...
Brenda: You more likely kill a dozen people from the Texas Tower.
Me: Just as well I don't actually own a real gun.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

I'll Have the Seven Deadly Sins Combo
Funny chart that shows the resultant interactions of each of the seven deadly sins. Go »
Go Around or Go Over
Because Olivia's school is closed we've been forced to do home schooling along with her teacher doing Zoom three times each week. So lesson plans are still happening but her special education also includes speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. I don't do speech or occupational but I stepped in for physical. Go »
Barbie Gets Implants
In the early ‘90’s, I heard a stand-up routine by Cathy Ladman in which she was buying a Barbie doll as a birthday present for her niece. She’s looking at the doll displays and her eye catches a “Gift-Giving Ken”. She says, I really don’t think this is gonna prepare her for adult relationships. Go »
Snowmageddonpocalypse 2016
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Apparently, Some Visuals are Best Left Undescribed
Recent conversation with Brenda: me: I was thinking about Star Wars stuff the other day and I can't help but see this mental image of the Empire State Building wielding a light sabre and waving it at King Kong. You know, The Empire Strikes Back. Brenda: Have you taken your meds today? Go »