This Blog Post Definitely Doesn't Conform to NPOV Standards
by Scott Hardie on August 16, 2006

I once coined a rule that you couldn't read more than three complete articles on Wikipedia without running into a reference to some obscure joke from The Simpsons, Monty Python, or most commonly, Family Guy. Seriously: I just now clicked two links and landed at Anarcho-syndicalism of all things, and sure enough, there's Holy Grail in the "trivia" section. Should it be plural like that, since no one is ever going to enter another item of trivia?
Anyway, in the name of Inclusionism, I can live with fans tagging articles with a complete catalogue of all jokes from their favorite comedy series. That information is at least useful to somebody somewhere. What's driving me bonkers lately is not being able to get through three articles without seeing announcements at the top. Not the donations announcement, but the "due to recent vandalism this article is locked" announcement, or the "this article is about a current event" announcement, or the ever-popular "the neutrality of this article is disputed" announcement. Well, of course it's disputed! Every single article in the entire Wikipedia is disputed by somebody somewhere! Duh. That's like ten years ago when you couldn't visit somebody's homepage without an "under construction" animated gif, as if anybody visiting any web site would ever assume it was completely done and wouldn't change again. Think, people, and stop wasting my time with pointless announcements just because it's so convenient to slap one up there and feel like you've contributed something.
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Illinois 2013: Four Pictures
As a follow-up to my Illinois road trip, here are photos taken at our engagement party. Shown are Kelly and me, Matthew Preston with his wife Liz, and Jackie Mason with her husband Will. I wish that our photographer Lori Lancaster was in one of the shots, but I'm grateful to her for taking the pictures all the same. Go »
Signs and Wonders
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Earth to Cat
What part of get down! are you pretending not to understand? Go »
Not in My Back Yard
I love Unsolved Mysteries. The show told such interesting stories in perfect bite-size pieces, and knew how to make the hair on your neck stand up. I wish they were more objective in their reporting and didn't rely on pseudoscience as evidence (using psychics to prove ghosts and polygraph results to condemn criminals), but damn they put on an entertaining show. Go »
Nuts and Veggies
If you haven't heard, VeggieTales is coming to NBC. Without reference to God. And the creator feels duped. Go »