by Scott Hardie on February 10, 2013

A couple of people have asked about a foot injury that I mentioned. It sounded scary but it's actually pretty minor. A varicose vein on the surface of my left foot ruptured on its own. This tiny pinprick-sized hole, combined with the pressure on that particular part of my body when I stood, caused a small but steady spray of blood out of the side of my foot. Thank goodness it happened in the shower! We bandaged it the best we could and went to the ER, where they put on coagulants and told me to keep it bandaged and elevated for 48 hours. I couldn't sit with my foot up for more than 15 minutes before the position became painful, so I eventually spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday lying on the couch. That's not my preferred way to spend a day, but I made the most of it. Since exercise doesn't treat varicosity (though I should exercise more anyway for other reasons), and compression stockings are only a band-aid, I may have to get surgery to fix this sooner or later. Right now I'm happy just being up and about.
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

WLW: Can't
"Can't" is a word that fat people tell ourselves a lot after so many failed diets: We can't lose the weight, we can't succeed. Hearing it from a doctor would seem inconsequential. But it still hurts. Go »
Key Words
I wonder what would come up if you searched IMDb keywords for "train wreck"? Unbreakable? The Fugitive? Go »
Ten Best of 2006
The feature is done. It was frustrating not being able to see more movies this year, and the brevity of the feature reflects that. Comments about the list, or mentions of your own favorite films last year, are welcome in the replies to this post. Go »
Final Chapter
The movies that are going to be written about in Brittany Murphy's obituaries are Just Married, 8 Mile, Clueless, and maybe Sin City. But the one most sadly relevant is a movie that few people saw, The Dead Girl. Each chapter of the movie shows how a different woman is affected by the discovery of a woman's body in a field, until the last chapter doubles back and shows us her haunting final days. Go »
Mac Killed My Inner Child
(link) nsfw Go »