Best stuff I found this week.

Video of the week 1: Snow White/Reservoir Dogs mash-up.
My new work hat.
The world's most controversial board games.
Inspirational posters with a Star Trek theme.
Video of the week 2: Lengthy domino/pool trick shot.
Kitty wigs!
Wonder Sauna Hot Pants.
I am sooo going to do this, frame it and hang it on my wall. Money in perspective.
Video of the week 3: The many deaths of Kenny.

One Reply to Weekly Round-up

Amy Austin | January 27, 2008
Must... have... Pillow Wig! (What were you keyword searching, "wigs"???)

Web Junkie

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Christmas Post #20: Only In America? I Don't Think So.

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Ice Cream That Would Make Homer Simpson Retch

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