February 2023
Steve West won this round on February 28, 2023. There were 28 goos.
Players this round: Russ Wilhelm (28 goos solved, a perfect score), Steve West (23 goos solved), Richard Slominsky (20 goos solved), LaVonne Lemler (18 goos solved), Erik Bates (9 goos solved), Scott Hardie (9 goos solved), and Samir Mehta (3 goos solved).

John King
Along with his "brother" Mike, he dusted off some old samples for Beastie Boys, Beck, and Tyler Durden. Who's the king? Go »
William the Conqueror
It's safe to say that when he conquered England to the north and established a dynasty that produced four more monarchs, his invading army was not greeted as fondly as the most popular barfly in Cheers. Go »
Lionel Richie
The only thing this singer wants to tell you is that your the answer to my prayers and your my angel and miracle Go »
Hernán Cortés
His conquest of the Aztecs included razing their capital to the ground in order to build what is today Mexico City. Go »
Kim Petras
She's too busy breaking hearts and glass to worry about the music industry treating her like a slut. Go »
Logan Brown
Hey! Stop kissing this former senator's ass or you will find something on the tip of your nose. Here's a little fun fact for ya, this player is the son of a former blue hockey player and also his first name is the name of a college in Missouri. Go »
Bob Jordan
Many people have a bad first year on the job, but most don't end it by cancelling tens of thousands of flights and stranding hundreds of thousands of travelers at Christmas. Go »
Jeremy Shada
His TV roles include an adventuring boy, a mecha's leg, and a phantom bassist. Go »
Casey Nocket
Redditors made the case against this creepy artist that eventually got her banned from national parks. Go »
Olive Oatman
Kidnapped, enslaved, then tattooed. This Brewsterite lectured on her experiences in the Mojave. Go »
Michael Carbonaro
This New Yorker is a stickler when making things appear out of nowhere, but having a show named after him might have an effect on his happy marriage. Go »
Bill Buckner
This player forgot the first rule of playing in the World Series, extending the Curse of the Bambino through the mid-1980s. Go »
Sam Bankman-Fried
It's going to be a long time before this crypto entrepreneur and former billionaire is freed. Go »
Richard Steiff
Naming this German boy Teddy would have been a big mistake, but unlike a bear you can cuddle him. Go »
Sarah Cannon
Despite decades in comedy on stage and TV, she never made enough to afford a $1.98 hat. Go »
Frederick Morgan
Where to land our troops? Perhaps this amateur deltiologist would know. Go »
Sarah Culberson
Prior to investigating her family, her biggest claim to royalty was being homecoming queen in her West Virginia high school. Go »
DJ Snake
This serpentine artist has turned down, leaned on, and gotten low. Go »
Miles Teller
After critics and audiences told him that they thought of his unfinished dystopian-YA series and his flopped superhero reboot, he told his agent to get him a better part, maybe something with Tom Cruise in it. Go »
Richard Bach
This author so loves aviation that he wrote a best-selling philosophical novel about a seagull who flew just for the love of flight. Go »
Victoria Justice
This Hollywood-born actress won't be able to make it in the USA if she didn't have good roles like an MMA fighter, play in a spectacular musical, and also star in her own show. Go »
Bobbi Wilson
Spotted lanternflies are difficult to eradicate, but not as difficult as racism. Go »
Edward Furlong
Although the role that made him famous involved a murderous robot, most of his other starring roles concern life after death, such as a reincarnated goth superhero, a teen who can bring pets back after burial, and a monarch ruling the undead. Go »
James Garner
This legendary gambler from the Old West lived on jacks and queens as he travelled from Mississippi to Louisiana; luck was the lady that he loved the best. Go »
Richard Garber
This native Virginian was the best college coach of Massachusetts 65 years ago in lax and they named the field after his team won 13 New England Championships. Go »
Malala Yousafzai
This activist was shot in the head and became a Nobel Peace Prize laureate for children's education. Go »
Gerda Taro
Fleeing Hitler's Germany and the inevitable war ironically led this photographer to be killed in a nearby conflict. Go »