This celebrity goo was created by player Chris Lemler.
Scott Hardie made minor changes to the clue and rewrote the explanation provided by Chris.

This goo was worth a point in February 2023. This was a bonus goo, so Russ Wilhelm could not earn a point for it.

publication date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 (part of February 2023)

category: Sports

clue: Hey! Stop kissing this former senator's ass or you will find something on the tip of your nose. Here's a little fun fact for ya, this player is the son of a former blue hockey player and also his first name is the name of a college in Missouri.

explanation: Brown, formerly of the Ottawa Senators, now plays for the St. Louis Blues, as did his father Jeff Brown. He shares his name with Logan University in the St. Louis area. more…

intended difficulty: very hard

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Richard Slominsky, Erik Bates, and Scott Hardie

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