How well do you know famous actors, musicians, athletes, newsmakers, and other celebrities? In Celebrity Goo Game, a distorted photograph of a famous person (a "goo") is published daily, along with a few hints. Guess correctly and you'll enter the monthly competition, where each winner earns a gift-card prize.

Today's Goo

Music, March 4


Being an ordained minister made her uniquely qualified to act in Touched by an Angel.

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Other Current Goos


You might remember encountering this actor as Tom Hanks's son, Bruce Willis's patient, Kevin Spacey's student, Jude Law's colleague, Robert Duvall and Michael Caine's great nephew, or Donald and Goofy's traveling companion. Go »


This Wolverine set a single-season record for his position before going pro as a different Michigan animal. Go »


By the time she divorced a rock and roll legend at age 26, she'd been his wife for half of her life, but she'd never not been in his family. Go »


Basketball's resident genius took masters-level courses as a college freshman, was named an MIT fellow, almost did an internship with NASA, and was in robotics class when he learned that he'd been hired into the NBA. Go »


The sole surviving host of a call-in podcast about drug addiction has lost more than his share of regular callers, but not his determination to help however he can. Go »


Being Sneezy was instrumental in this Londoner's viral fame a decade ago. Go »