How well do you know famous actors, musicians, athletes, newsmakers, and other celebrities? In Celebrity Goo Game, a distorted photograph of a famous person (a "goo") is published daily, along with a few hints. Guess correctly and you'll enter the monthly competition, where each winner earns a gift-card prize.

Today's Goo

Modeling, March 27


Given that she was already living in a house of style with Shalom Harlow, perhaps it made sense to launch her film acting career by haunting a house with Michelle Pfeiffer.

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Other Current Goos


This Boston biologist might understand why his critics deride his stem cell research as "playing God," since he has used it to cure the blind and revive extinct species. Go »


One cannot enjoy a California-style pizza prepared farm-to-table without appreciating the influence of her "ghetto" restaurant. Go »


Among this Ukrainian orphan's special needs: Not being adopted by an American family who may have just seen the horror movie Orphan. Go »


The Biggest George in the business (and immediate family) went from reclaiming his heavyweight world championship at age 45 to a nine-figure deal to sell the rights to his namesake grill at age 50. Go »


This Serbian "grandmother of performance art" spent the seventies practicing her Rhythm. Go »


You might have seen her in movies set in the DC Extended Universe or the world of the Hunger Games, but she's best known for bringing two classic musical characters to modern audiences: Maria and Snow. Go »