Dennis Wuorenma

Pronouns: he/him/his
Birthdate: 1969-11-07
Job: 911 telecommunicator
Interests: Sports, play softball and floor hockey, coach goalball which is a sport for the blind and visually impaired.
Favorite Books: Murder/mysteries. and detective stories
Favorite Games: chess and other games that make you think
Favorite Movies: Breakfast Club is my all-time favorite followed closely but in no particular order by: Shawshank Redemption, Young Guns,Young Guns II, My Cousin Vinny, and Phenomenon
Favorite Music: "Hate Me" by Blue october is my current favorite song---thanks Sarah --- also "Call Me" by Shinedown
Favorite Places: St. Augustine,FL Colorado Springs,CO, St Louis, MO and Chicago,IL
Favorite Sports Teams: Dallas Cowboys,Chicago White Sox and Blackhawks, and whatever team is playing the Cubs and the Bears
Favorite TV Shows: NYPD Blue,Two and half men
" Do something right or wrong just do something"