Samir Mehta: “It ruled.”

Ostensibly a dramatization of Abscam, the movie aims for something much more interesting - a take on the toll of con artistry and living in lies. It might just be a theme I like (I loved Talented Mr. Ripley, the Informant!, Transiberian and the Tailor of Panama for similar reasons) but the movie really explores it well. Well acted up and down. It's not necessarily Russel's best movie (that's still I Heart Huckabee's) but it's quite good.

− December 29, 2013 • more by Samirlog in or create an account to reply

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Erik Bates: “It ruled.”

I enjoyed this one. The casting was great. I can't say there was a single member of the cast that I dislike, and more than a couple that I absolutely love (Cooper, DeNiro, Adams, and Lawrence). I see why Cooper was nominated for supporting actor, and, in my opinion, he job in this film was just as good as Jared Leto in Dallas Buyer's Club.

− March 24, 2014 • more by Eriklog in or create an account to reply

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