Dark Phoenix

Erik Bates: “It was ok.”
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− June 17, 2019 more by Erik log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: There's still a New Mutants horror movie scheduled to come out next year. Given what a flop Dark Phoenix has been financially, and given what I'm sure is Marvel's eagerness to wipe the slate clean on Fox's version of the mutants, I'm betting that New Mutants doesn't even get a theatrical release; it just goes straight to Hulu. From everything I've heard about Dark Phoenix, it sounds like a more appropriate conclusion to the series, plot-wise if not quality-wise. − June 17, 2019 more by Scott
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Evie Totty: “It sucked.”
I'm going to go ahead and put it in this category even though I didn't hate it. But it was terrible. I had hoped that the last X-Men film from Fox would be the great send-off but alas this was not meant to be.
It had the guts to be so much more than it was.
RIP X-Men. You brought back good comic book films back in 2000. Thank you.
Looking forward to seeing how Marvel now incorporates them. I do like the idea of Scott Eastwood playing Wolverine (he definitely wants to). I mean - Jackman will always be Wolvie, but he is done with the character. Someone has to reprise it.
− December 9, 2019 more by Evie log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: Isn't there still a New Mutants movie coming out next year that Fox developed and produced? I thought I read that it has been delayed for reshoots a number of times, which is a promising sign.
It's a shame that Disney's purchase of Fox didn't happen sooner, so that Logan could have been the final X-Men movie by Fox. That would have been a much better sendoff. − December 10, 2019 more by Scott
Evie Totty: Oh you are correct, New Mutants is technically still a thing. And yes - Logan was amazing. − December 10, 2019 more by Evie
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Erik Bates: “It was ok.”
I had higher hopes for this movie. I just left feeling underwhelmed. It wasn't horrible. But it wasn't great.
− December 10, 2019 more by Erik log in or create an account to reply
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