First Man
Evie Totty: “It was ok.”
Sorry. I know it got a lot of great reviews but man. I was bored through most of the movie. I'm an uncultured heathen, I know.
− December 30, 2018 more by Evie log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: I haven't seen this movie so I can't say about this specifically, but Ryan Gosling is such an internal actor (he internalizes his feelings and shows little emotion on the surface) that he turns me off from seeing most of his movies. Sometimes that quality makes him perfect for a part, but most of the time I find it tiresome and tedious. Normally I love the space program and most film/television productions about it, but "bored" sounds like an appropriate response to this particular movie. − December 31, 2018 more by Scott
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