Movie 43

Scott Hardie: “It sucked.”
I should have listened to virtually every critic and stayed far away from this, but I had some perverted need to see the wreckage like a rubbernecker on the highway. It's a disaster, deathly unfunny, and genuinely embarrassing for every A-list star roped into appearing in it. The movie is proud of its aggressive tastelessness, but it just comes across as lacking in imagination. There are no jokes here worth telling.
− November 10, 2013 more by Scott log in or create an account to reply
Samir Mehta: Weirdly, we also just watched this movie. Yes, it's terrible. I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt but Heather and I determined we would have been angry to pay for this in the theater. − November 11, 2013 more by Samir
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Samir Mehta: “It sucked.”
Wow, rancid. The only fun parts of the movie are trying to figure how the producers got the movie made in the first place.
− November 11, 2013 more by Samir log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: One of the main producers is Peter Farrelly. He has some kind of gift for convincing major stars to try raunchy, moronic material: Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber, Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary, Matt Damon in Stuck on You, and more. I'm pretty sure he's going to have a harder time attracting them after abusing their good will with the terrible Movie 43. − November 11, 2013 more by Scott
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