Schindler's List

Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”
What could I possibly say about this masterpiece that hasn't been said already? Spielberg's technical expertise was never in doubt, but this film proved what "The Color Purple" and "Empire of the Sun" failed to prove, that he's a filmmaker of considerable artistic talent as well. I know the criticisms of this film, that it doesn't get inside Schindler's head until his final scene and that it reaches for the easy emotional punch at the end, but I understand Spielberg's choices and agree with them. What makes the film so good is not its class or even its emotional impact, but its faith in the value of this one true story to affirm all people of all religions, and the way it turns itself over completely to that faith, setting aside other concerns and simply telling the tale for what it was. This film has earned its place in history.
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