The Hangover

Aaron Shurtleff: “It sucked.”
OMG! Do NOT see this piece of crap! I love mindless comedy as much as anyone, but this is truly the worst movie I have ever watched. A bunch of guys go out for a bachelor party in Vegas, and nothing hilarious ensues.
− February 2, 2010 more by Aaron log in or create an account to reply
Ryan Dunn: This review is loco. − February 2, 2010 more by Ryan
Erik Bates: Seriously?
No, really. Seriously?
I mean... SERIOUSLY?
I loved this movie! − February 2, 2010 more by Erik
Aaron Shurtleff: I am willing to be in the minority, but yeah, SERIOUSLY. It was hyped up so much, and it really let me down. :( − February 2, 2010 more by Aaron
Justin Conner: There was to much hype but, I had little expectation and enjoyed it. − February 2, 2010 more by Justin
Amy Austin: And you know I want to see it now... ;-DDD − February 3, 2010 more by Amy
Aaron Shurtleff: Because I hate it, you want to see it? That's COLD! :P − February 3, 2010 more by Aaron
Amy Austin: I can't help it -- that's the gut reaction I have to being told what to do (or "do NOT"!)... might as well stick it in a cookie jar or put it on a bookburning list!!! − February 3, 2010 more by Amy
Aaron Shurtleff: I would love to get this movie on a bookburning list! ;) − February 3, 2010 more by Aaron
Jackie Mason: Wasn't this like dude movie of the year? − February 5, 2010 more by Jackie
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Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”
If you ignore its reputation and take this on its own terms, this is a very quotable and often hilarious screwball comedy about a ridiculously out-of-control weekend in Vegas. It does right by its heritage, the raunchy slob-fest comedies of the 80s.
− August 15, 2010 more by Scott log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: Sorry you didn't like it, Aaron. Any good movie can be rendered unenjoyable by too much buzz, but comedies are especially susceptible. − August 15, 2010 more by Scott
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Erik Bates: “It ruled.”
Looking back at the trilogy now, this installment is definitely the highlight of the three. I still find it hilarious to this day.
− February 24, 2015 more by Erik log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: Yeah, it was definitely the kind of movie that's successful enough to spawn two sequels but not beloved enough that the sequels have to made well. − February 25, 2015 more by Scott
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