The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Scott Hardie: “It was ok.”
Peter Jackson's eight-hour exercise in stretching a classic short story to its breaking point is at last concluded, but did it have to end so soon? He could have easily gotten another couple of films out of Bilbo walking home to the Shire. The feeling that The Hobbit could have been one outstanding film instead of three mediocre-but-sometimes-fun films was always there, but it's most palpable in this weakest third installment in the series, in which you can't escape the feeling that very little is happening despite the minutes ticking by. There are a few thrilling moments in battle where the movie finally picks up some momentum and shows sparks of life, but even then, CGI weightlessness continues to be a nuisance. (Example: A creature that should weigh hundreds of pounds launches itself out of a body of water with nothing to press against, apparently willing itself to fly.) I didn't hate the movie; in fact, I was well entertained for my eight bucks and 2.5 hours of time. But it does bother me when a movie was capable of greatness and missed the mark.
− December 31, 2014 • more by Scott • log in or create an account to reply
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Evie Totty: “It ruled.”
As a stand-alone movie this rules. As a part of a trilogy it sucked. No reason to pad the other two so this one could be made. They should have just named it 'The Five Armies'.
Otherwise it was awesome. Not Marvel 2014 awesome but awesome.
− December 31, 2014 • more by Evie • log in or create an account to reply
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Erik Bates: “It was ok.”
I feel like I watched this one more out of obligation than out of interest. I enjoyed the film, to be sure. Just felt good to finally be over it.
I think Bilbo Baggins, himself, summarized the films best in The Fellowship of the Ring:
"I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread."
− January 25, 2015 • more by Erik • log in or create an account to reply
Scott Hardie: That's a great quote to summarize the series. − January 25, 2015 • more by Scott
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