Scott Hardie: “It ruled.”

This isn't a factually accurate portrayal of history, but it's the version that most people now remember, especially combined with the television productions of the same name. The movie is pretty good overall, succeeding on the strength of several key scenes where, to fight the mob, the characters go to creative lengths (the interrogation) or extraordinary lengths (the train station). Sean Connery dominates the film so much that there's a strong feeling like the wrong man is in charge of the team. The melodramatic parts have not aged well. I wanted more detail and at least another hour, so I'd call that a success.

− June 23, 2013 • more by Scottlog in or create an account to reply

Scott Hardie: If this movie had come out today, there would be a meme of Sean Connery saying "That's the Chicago way!" As in, people would create photos of Sean Connery saying things like, "First we get out of bed, and then we have a drink. That's the Chicago way!" or something. − June 23, 2013 • more by Scott

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