Jackie Mason | January 11, 2005
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Erik Bates | January 11, 2005
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Anna Gregoline | January 11, 2005
I really really really wanted to like 24. Every time I see a commercial for it, I think, man that seems like a good show.

But we got the first season on Netflix and couldn't even make it past one episode. I guess it's just not for us.

Scott Horowitz | January 11, 2005
It's probably the most suspenseful show on TV, IMHO. This season is awesome so far.

David Mitzman | January 11, 2005
Being a fan of the show since the first season, I honestly don't miss the regular characters that haven't come back. I think a show would be a tad dull if it was the same people constantly. I'm sure they'll bring some people back in bit parts here and there, but this cast overhaul is doing well and I think the acting is pretty good.

Scott Horowitz | January 11, 2005
I miss Kim, for her wonderful acting skills... yeah, that'll cover up my chauvenism.

Jackie Mason | January 11, 2005
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Scott Horowitz | January 11, 2005
Tony was charged with treason, you don't know what happened yet. My guess is that Palmer pardoned him before he left office. Kim is Jack's daughter. Her plots were annoying, but she is just damn hot.

Jackie Mason | January 12, 2005
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Jackie Mason | February 1, 2005
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | February 1, 2005
Someone has a crush. :)

Jackie Mason | February 1, 2005
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | February 1, 2005
I'm in Kim Withdrawal myself. Though, Audrey is kinda hot.

Kris Weberg | February 2, 2005
Who's Kim Withdrawal, and does she know you're defaming her?

Scott Horowitz | February 2, 2005
That was just bad Kris... oh so bad

Anna Gregoline | February 2, 2005
I'm afraid you set yourself up for that one...

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