Scott Hardie | August 19, 2008
A college professor is trying to get variant spellings like Febuary, twelth and truely accepted into the English language, due to frequent use. (link) Personally, I figure that loose, as in "I'm going to loose the game," is due for acceptance on that basis. What other variants do you expect to see become words? Or what misspellings do you habitually make?

Steve West | August 19, 2008
Mischievious is a spelling I often mistake for the actual word mischievous.

Amy Austin | August 19, 2008
Ugh... I can't stand much that I can't even comment.

Aaron Shurtleff | August 19, 2008
Well, we might as well let your be usable in situations where it should be you're. Everyone screws it up anyways... :(

And teh needs to be a word! :)

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