Scott Hardie | March 16, 2004
Supply a caption to this photo:

Anna Gregoline | March 16, 2004
"What you're looking at, boys, is another four years of Bush Administration policies."

Anna Gregoline | March 16, 2004
"This is the weirdest buffet I've ever seen!"

Anna Gregoline | March 16, 2004
"So THIS is where babies come from!"

Scott Hardie | March 16, 2004
"We need chickens... Lots of chickens."

John E Gunter | March 16, 2004
"What we have a failure to communicate!"

John E Gunter | March 16, 2004
"What do you mean it's not supposed to do that!?"

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2004
"No, I told you to sort them alphabetically. You're going to have to do this all over again!"

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2004
<"Psst... Tim... Iss-pay on your oulder-shay!">

Anna Gregoline | March 17, 2004
"Ok, so this vacation hasn't turned out the way I planned. Get off my back!"

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2004
"Gary, if you say 'Now that's kitchen fresh chicken!' one more time, I'm gonna leave you here."

Lori Lancaster | March 17, 2004
[hidden by request]

Erik Bates | March 17, 2004
[hidden by request]

Lori Lancaster | March 17, 2004
[hidden by request]

John E Gunter | March 17, 2004
"Ewww, what's that smell!?"

"Heh, heh, heh."

Scott Hardie | March 17, 2004
"The gift shop had better be fantastic."

Anna Gregoline | March 17, 2004
More pictures for captions! I love this!

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