Blood Oranges
Kris Weberg | January 15, 2008
I don't like regular oranges, but I loooove blood oranges.
Jason Melo | February 24, 2008
i've never had a blood orange, but i hate regular oranges. i like tangerines though
Kris Weberg | February 25, 2008
I'm the same on tangerines, too -- less bitter and sweeter. Blood oranges are quite juicy and sweet, and I recommend them highly.
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Tony Peters | January 14, 2008

I love this time of year, Blood Oranges are in season....I could never eat oranges until I stumbled into my first Sanguinello since then I have looked forward to January -April every year when they and Moro's are in season....for me nothing compares to the sweet flavor of a Blood Orange...Tasty...I will be having more than my share of Vit.C for the next few months