Jackie Mason | January 21, 2005
[hidden by request]

Denise Sawicki | January 22, 2005
Oddly enough, I just found myself perusing a similar site a couple of days ago after finding myself bored enough to do a web search to determine whether or not people think Peanut Butter Toast Crunch is a good cereal. (The verdict: a lot of people think it's amazing, some think it's OK but not as good as Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, and a few think it sucks).

Myself, I think it's good, but I'll probably still go for the cinnamon variety more often. I don't remember ever trying the Captain Crunch.

I'm weird in that I only eat cereal without milk. Occasionally I'll throw some yogurt on it if it seems to be a complementary flavor.

By the way, I don't mean to go always changing the subject, I'm just random-minded that way. Here, to get a little bit back on topic, did everybody run across the checklist to say whether or not your child is a goth? One of the items on the list is "Eats goth-related foods such as Count Chocula cereal." They claim the list was actually put out in all seriousness by a church but that claim is highly suspect. :-P

Kris Weberg | January 22, 2005
Captain Crunch really shreds the roof of your mouth for some reason, but Peanut Butter Crunch is, according to many top theologians, the same substance as the manna that sustained the Israelites.

Also, is it just me, or is there an age when two things happen:

1) You realize cereal really is good for dinner.

2) You simultaneously realize that those marshmallow cereals taste awful, and that the marshmallows are probably made of sweetened chalk?

Scott Hardie | January 22, 2005
I still want to try a recipe I read for "Elvis mix," which was Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch mixed with dried banana chips.

There are a few cereals I have been unable to finish eating, but the worst is Oreo O's, which captures the lack of flavor of the Oreo wafer without the sweetness of the creme filling. They should call it Zero Stuf.

Amy Austin | January 22, 2005
Kris, you *so* had me in total agreement with you... right up to #2!!! I must confess -- I still like those chalky little marshmallows... so much so that I wish that you could buy them packaged alone!!! (But moreso for hot chocolate than for "Lucky Charms"...) ;DDD

Steve Dunn | January 23, 2005
I went on a healthy cereal kick a few months ago, then abandoned the plan when I discovered what I always suspected was actually true - all healthy cereal tastes like raw ass.

Amy Austin | January 23, 2005
Hahaha... Steve, I had a friend in high school who called it "sticks & rocks cereal" -- can't say that I rightly know what "raw ass" tastes like... ;D

Kris Weberg | January 23, 2005
Like ass, but undercooked.

Amy Austin | January 23, 2005
Oh. Well, of course.

Steve Dunn | January 23, 2005
Like ass, but without any flavor or spice. Well prepared ass might taste better than All Bran, Plenty O'Fiber, and Colon Blow.

"Sticks and rocks" sounds about right. I used to call it "pine cones and leaves."

Amy Austin | January 23, 2005
Hahaha... sure. Colon Blow -- that sounds pretty tasty, actually.

Well, I'm a fan of eating sticks and leaves, but not so much the rocks and pine cones. (And I *hate* Grape Nuts, one of the "rock" varieties that comes to mind.)

Erik Bates | January 23, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | January 24, 2005
It really does... but I adore it nonetheless!

I *thought* "Colon Blow" sounded familiar! I know it's a completely different SNL commercial, but for some reason the image popped into my head of the guy biting the buck in the jugular... that was for some "manly antiperspirant/deodorant" that I can't think of the name of -- hilarious.

Scott Hardie | January 24, 2005
Quarry. Better tasting 'cause it's mined.

Amy Austin | January 24, 2005
Hahaha -- is this your proposal for a new cereal and slogan, Scott?

Anna Gregoline | January 24, 2005
It's an old SNL gag as well, I believe.

Jackie Mason | January 24, 2005
[hidden by request]

Scott Horowitz | January 24, 2005
I personally only eat Special K right now.

Amy Austin | January 24, 2005
I'm starting to think that the "K" is actually for "Kris"... I don't know if he's been watching B&W comedies, or what, but he's every bit as funny as dry cereal lately!!! ;DDD

Scott Horowitz | January 24, 2005
Sometimes you're intellect is frightening to me, Amy.

Amy Austin | January 24, 2005
Mine?!!! How about "Special K" over there???!!! ;DDD

Scott Horowitz | January 24, 2005
What? It's healthy. Put a little sweet and low on it, and rather tasty :)

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