Scott Hardie | July 23, 2011
Every train wreck does eventually grind to a final halt, sometimes especially predictably. I will still enjoy Amy Winehouse's songs when they come on the radio, and sympathize that she never found peace from her demons. She helped me keep my problems in perspective.

Tony Peters | July 23, 2011
Forever 27.........

Scott Hardie | July 23, 2011
Good point, Tony. Everybody in the tournament is past that part of trial 4, but I've added Winehouse to the theme anyway.

Jon Berry | July 23, 2011
Jesus, poor her. That's truly nuts... predictable, but very sad.

Tony Peters | July 23, 2011
yeah particularly sad as it really stunted her art before she really peaked

Steve West | July 28, 2011
Keith Richards was interviewed recently and was asked if there was anything exciting in the music that he liked. He replied that he liked "that Amy chick." He added, "but she really needs to get herself sorted fast." Remember this is Keith Richards talking here. This from a man who knows the need for sorting when he sees it.

Samir Mehta | July 28, 2011
[hidden by request]

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