Anna Gregoline | April 14, 2005
How do you account for the popularity (or unpopularity!) of your favorite entertainer?

Kris Weberg | April 14, 2005
Well, I'm guessing Morrissey is unpopular because his music is quite outdated, and because mope-pop is not most people's first choice.

Amy Austin | April 14, 2005
Wow -- thanks, Kris, for giving me a good excuse to put this here after all. I was searching for a rather obscure CD that I used to have on tape -- before my entire cassette collection was stolen in a house robbery in '96 -- and this was all I could find on ebay for them. Apparently they were Smiths fans, too. I like Morissey as well, but I think you're right...;-)

The actual reason I wanted to put this up earlier was because of the bumper sticker that they have on the listing... just for the Bush haters. I was thinking that Anna, in particular, might enjoy it. I'll stop there.


John E Gunter | April 14, 2005
I think alot of how popularity is generated is how the marketing campaign is handled. When I say marketing, I mean more than just how they get the product out. I'm also talking about how the critics review the work as well.


Lori Lancaster | April 14, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | April 14, 2005
So would I, Lori, so would I... ;-D

Scott Hardie | April 15, 2005
My favorite is Joe Satriani, who I believe has not achieved greater success because he's one of thousands of recording artists vying for pieces of a fairly small pie. The man's done quite well for himself considering the kind of music he plays.

Denise Sawicki | April 15, 2005
They were playing Joe Satriani at the circus the other day, so there's an aspect of his success you might have overlooked. :P

They weren't playing it during the cool part of the circus though (the bicycling bears.) (My mom had a bunch of free tickets for some reason.)

Scott Hardie | April 16, 2005
He wasn't actually playing there in person, was he? His last album didn't do so well.

Yesterday I encountered one of Joe's older and harder-to-recognize pieces used in a place where it was probably thought no one would recognize it. (I can't say more and you know why.) While it was fun to realize that somebody else out there is a fan and snuck his work into something totally unrelated, I really hope he authorized its use and/or gets paid for it.

Denise Sawicki | April 16, 2005
No he wasn't there in person, they were just blasting it over the sound system. I wouldn't have known but Darrell identified it for me.

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