Scott Hardie | April 27, 2006
Fun contest by Virgin Music: (link) Find all 74 musicians referenced in the painting, most of them rock bands.

Solution: (link)

Erik Bates | April 30, 2006
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | April 30, 2006
[hidden by request]

E. M. | April 30, 2006
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | May 4, 2006
Arghh! I can't even get it to load! It's killing me!

I wanna play too! :(

Scott Hardie | May 16, 2006
If you want to play and you don't have the latest version of Flash (or whatever is the problem), here's a copy of the large image: (link)

And no, I don't have any more of these, but I wish I did. It's fun. This would make a good jigsaw puzzle – put it together then find the 74 answers.

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