Scott Hardie | August 21, 2016
If someone could draw a pentagram on the ground and use black magic to summon you, what five objects most essential to you would they have to place in the pentagram?

Erik Bates | August 21, 2016
[hidden by request]

Steve West | August 21, 2016
A bust of Shakespeare - Similar to Batman, it must open to reveal a secret switch that opens a bookcase and gives access to the bat poles and the entrance to the Batcave. I don't own a Batcave but Shakespeare is a personal hero of mine.
A Beatles Yellow Submarine lunchbox - Must have working thermos and display Blue Meanies.
Tropical fish tank - I loves me some aquarium. Be selective as to which fish you choose. I may disregard requests that don't display some discrimination and imagination in fish choices. Large black angel fish required. They look cool and kinda batmanish and no one can then say, "This is just another instance of The Man trying to keep the black fish down."
Refrigerator chockablock with YooHoo - better have a spare handy, too.
A lock of hair - shortly after Olivia's diagnosis of autism, we got her a haircut. I've carried a lock of her hair ever since.

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