Erik Bates | March 22, 2005
[hidden by request]

John E Gunter | March 22, 2005


Anna Gregoline | March 22, 2005
Uh, what?

Erik Bates | March 22, 2005
[hidden by request]

Anna Gregoline | March 22, 2005
Yeah, it has. Anyone got any articles? I could try and post some questions like I used to but I doubt anyone wants to hear a debate started from me.

Jackie Mason | March 22, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | March 22, 2005
Actually, Anna, *starting* a debate is the thing you do best... and that's intended as a compliment. I really do think you're pretty good at picking conversation topics -- it's just later on that I have problems with... maybe it has something to do with your "Bush brain center" activity! ;DDD

Anna Gregoline | March 22, 2005
Ha. Ha. Ha.

Scott Hardie | March 23, 2005
I'm swamped. Ya'll are gonna get a flood of new comments from me, like, this weekend. (And the FIN post, and a bunch of movie reviews, etc etc...)

E. M. | March 24, 2005
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | March 24, 2005
Yeah, I always wonder what happens in a "busy" week for you... in your field, does the work follow you home, or do you just put in longer hours at the job? (Or *both*???) You must really love what you do in order to keep this going on the side! Thanks.

John E Gunter | March 24, 2005
Usually, we don't take our work home with us, but that isn't always the case. Though, with our jobs, Scott's and mine, we have the capability of working from home, that is, if our bosses allow us. For some reason though, my boss seems to not trust us, the worker bees that is, to working from home. The other managers do it sometimes, but she won't let us do it.

I should point out, this is not my immediate boss, but the director over our department. Anyway, I am perfectly capable of doing my entire job from home. My connection would be a little slower than if I were at work, but that would allow me to still work if I weren't completely up to the weather as it were.

Other departments in our company can work from home, so I know it's not a companywide policy. But still, not working from home allows me to get out of the house! ;-)

Sometimes though, I can work on my site from work. They'd rather have me do that than just sit at my desk and not do anything. That is provided I don't have about a million tasks and 1/2 a million projects on my desk. But I do love my job, so I guess that's saying something.


Amy Austin | March 24, 2005
Yes, it is. Good to love your job.

Scott Hardie | March 27, 2005
Thanks for the kind words. The truth is, I'm a terrible time manager; I spend most of my free time working on this site instead of taking care of other responsibilities. :-) But I have done this for so many years that it got me a job making web sites, and I couldn't be happier with that outcome, so I have no intention of stopping.

For the record, my priorities are: Work, sleep, this site, email, chores, phone calls. In other words, I only address one if the others higher on the list are satisfied. The reason I say that is because I take several days to answer email and several weeks to sit down for a long phone call, and I think some friends might not realize why, based on the angry follow-up emails and phone messages that I sometimes get. :-)

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