Steve West | October 30, 2014
I'm dressing as a sphere and going to a costume ball as a ball costume.
Samir Mehta | October 30, 2014
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Chris Lemler | October 30, 2014
The only plans I have are working and then playing around with my new Samsung phone that im getting today for awhile. And enjoy the rest of my day off until the trick or treaters come in their Halloween costumes :)
Scott Hardie | October 31, 2014
No costume for me. I've never been much into wearing them despite being married to someone who could craft me a damn good one from scratch. Kelly is busy this year and chose something easy: She's the Garth half of a Wayne's World costume pair, using clothes from her own closet and drumsticks from Rock Band.
We will have friends over tonight for a homemade treats, pumpkin ale, games, and good company. I can't wait.
Samir Mehta | October 31, 2014
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Scott Hardie | November 1, 2014
Ha! A Rock Band costume party would be fun, but probably more work than most people would sign up for.
Other than a couple of Frozen princesses, every single kid at our door last night was a superhero. At least there was a variety of superheroes I guess, from different publishers? The "superhero fatigue" that I anticipate seems so far away.
Our game night quickly devolved into playing "Cards Against Humanity" because that's all that people want to play any more (laments the more serious gamer). Only one friend showed up in costume, as Alice in Wonderland, and boy was she embarrassed.
Lori Lancaster | November 2, 2014
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Scott Hardie | November 2, 2014
It sounds like you had a great time! You must live in a decent-sized neighborhood to see so many kids.
"It is better to buy ammo pouches than make them." Future quote of the day. :-)
Lori Lancaster | November 3, 2014
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Erik Bates | November 12, 2014
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Scott Hardie | November 23, 2014
I'm glad to see Elsa be much more popular (for Halloween costumes and otherwise) than her sister Anna, the hero of the film. I'm sure that's partly due to Elsa having a distinctive look, but really, I think it's a reflexion of Elsa being far more complex and relatable and imperfect. Hollywood tends to serve up heroines for girls who are flawless and live happy lives and always make the right choice, whether it's Disney princesses for girls or Twilight's Bella for teens. Anna fits in this mold, but Elsa is a much more interesting character and I'm glad to see that girls prefer her.
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Scott Hardie | October 30, 2014
Have any plans for Halloween? How about a costume?