Aaron Shurtleff | July 23, 2009
Congratulations must go out to Mark Buerhle (I probably mispelled his name), Chicago White Sox pitcher, who threw an amazing perfect game today against the Tampa Bay Rays! That's a really difficult achievement, and my hats off to him!!

I know there's some ChiSox fans on this site, so let's see the love flow, y'all!

The game just ended, so I can't link to it yet, but I'm sure someone else will very soon!!

Jackie Mason | July 23, 2009
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Aaron Shurtleff | July 23, 2009
I apologize if I offended by using a trademark phrase for the wrong team! I actually just say "Holy Cow!" a lot...

Jackie Mason | July 24, 2009
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Aaron Shurtleff | July 24, 2009
That was an awesome catch! I saw it later (I was listening live on the radio), and I can see why they got so excited! Even the local Rays commentators (who were, not surprisingly, not as thrilled about the perfect game...) went crazy after that catch.

This was a very fast game! I couldn't believe how quick it went by! Baseball does have it's moments where it starts to get tedious, in my opinion, so I do really like the fast paced games better.

Jackie Mason | July 24, 2009
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Steve West | July 24, 2009
That's exactly my opinion Jackie. I love that the best radio broadcasters have found their way into the Hall of Fame. They really are an integral part of the game.

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