Scott Hardie | March 8, 2006

Any speculation as to the cause of this appalling trend among teenagers to assault homeless people? It's one thing to laugh at them and play pranks that rob them of dignity; it's another thing to set them on fire and beat them to death. I know every new generation of adults looks upon the rising generation of teens and wonders what's wrong with them, but seriously, what is the fuck is wrong with these kids?

Whether you think the "BumFights" videos are the cause depends, I suppose, on whether you think entertainment affects society or merely reflects it.

Michael Paul Cote | March 8, 2006
Just like "gay bashing" or maliciously maiming and killing animals, some people see homeless people as easy targets. Why? That has become the question of the century. Why do people go through the pain and humiliation of being beaten just to get into a gang? Why do people put up with various abuses to become members of fraternitys and sororities? Could these teens be trying to prove how "macho" they are? Has society become so immune to violence that these actions have no effect on the people perpetrating them? Who the F knows. It seems like a frighteningly typical escalation of societal norms.

Jackie Mason | March 9, 2006
[hidden by request]

Mike Eberhart | March 10, 2006
The problem is a lack of discipline from their parents. If their parents don't care about what they do, and don't stop them from making these kinds of decisions, this will happen. These kids need a serious beat down, and if that doesn't work, throw them jail.

Kris Weberg | March 10, 2006
Though the other side of it is that the children of people with sociopathic or abusive tendencies tend to become sociopaths in pretty great numbers. Pretty much every serial killer there is had at least one crazy, abusive parent whose idea of discipline was less Christlike and more Carrie's momlike.

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