Scott Hardie | March 24, 2006
Yay! (link)

When Ellis assembled Jackson and others for the recent shoot, the filmmakers added more gore, more death, more nudity, more snakes and more death scenes. And they shot a scene where Jackson does utter the line that fans have demanded.
For the first time, the same movie might sweep both the Razzies and the Peoples Choice Awards.

Jackie Mason | March 24, 2006
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Amy Austin | March 24, 2006
It could be... meeeeeeee!

Anna Gregoline | March 24, 2006
Because they are finally doing what the people want! And what the people want is Samuel L. Jackson saying THAT!

Just try it, it's so fun!


Ahh, now that's nice.

I'm going to see this movie 10 times.

Lori Lancaster | March 24, 2006
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Erik Bates | March 25, 2006
[hidden by request]

Kris Weberg | March 26, 2006
I am apparently the only person in America who finds Samuel L. Jackson's standard tough-guy characters excruciatingly tedious.

Anna Gregoline | March 27, 2006

Scott Hardie | March 27, 2006
The only time I find Jackson tedious is when he's playing the tough-guy completely seriously. Most of the time he seems to be winking at the camera and hamming it up on purpose. That kind of behavior undermines the movie if the movie is really good, but if it's Snakes on a Plane, thank goodness he's there.

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